This page is not a direct Muse page and I have no associatin with Muse or the mix DJ's who mixed these songs. This page was made to further the greatness of the greatest band on earth, with fantastic dance remixes of your favorate Muse songs. Plus some Muse influenced bonus artwork from my personal portfolio. This page is also a fan art page and a way for listeners of Muse to show their artwork to the world
Enjoy and Marvel!
By law I cannot make these songs available to download or this page would be no more. If you're looking for Remixes, try or download them on Limewire, sorry for the inconvenience
Featured Muse Inspired Paintings and Artists
I've decided to add an art section on this Muse Remix page for aspiring Muse artists, so If you have some Muse fan art or Muse inspired paintings and want them featured on this page for all to see send them my way and I'll put them up. FINE ART ONLY, no digital stuff
Matthew Bellamy Q
by Kevin Uhl
Matthew Bellamy Portriat
by Kevin Uhl
Matthew Bellamy Portriat 2
by Kevin Uhl
Muse Live by Kevin
Dom by Sarah
Dom by Salty
Screaming Matt by Sarah
Plug in Baby by Noble.
Matt by Bex
Muse and Me by Valérie F.
Copy and paste this code in your profile if you want to help me advertise my art. Your help is most appreciated