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I am here for Friends

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A Taste of Music
So,, as you probably already guessed, this would be Tiffanie again. This profile right here, belongs to the one and only, Kayla-Marie. She is 17 years of age, so still very young. On May 21st, she graduated from high school. Kayla is extremely smart, almost smarter than me. But not quite (: She has the best of friend, but then again, who doesn't. Their names would be Kaitlin, Alysha, Tiffanie, Star, Faggmuffin Brittany, School Brittany, And Sister Brittany. They mean the world to her, and she would do anything for them. She has a tendency of putting other people before herself. I find that bad, because she doesn't necessarily do it the right ways. She is taken(: And she knows what she wants in life. She will be going to college soon, and majoring in writing, then minoring in acting. She is going to go to California to do her schooling. She has an obsession with giraffes, and neon green. Also, weird hats. You will never see her without one on. If you do, ha, her hair is sexified. It's not from me :D I promise. But anyways, Kayla tends to be rarely sad, and can cheer you up at anytime. It's just what she does. She is like obnoxiously happy(: 99.9% of the time. If not, she fakes it. Which I don't like :( She is also very hyper-active. And it is funny. But Kayla isn't perfect, like you may think. She is a total flirt. And is very stubborn. And she demands people, and always has to get her way. Or, she will give you a face, that is so adorable.. And you will end up giving in to her. But, besides that, she is self-conscious. =/ I hate it with a passion, because she is beautiful. But yeah. Before she dies, she wants to travel, and go to Scotland for a while. And also Alaska, to sleep in an igloo and be with the moose. And then go to Iceland, and Japan to Disney World. And Australia, for me(: Then New York to ride a subway. She wants to go water skiing, and wake boarding. And mountain climbing. And she said she would take me to France, and Germany. And then get married. And never have an extreme injury. When she is like 60 years old, she wants to play the lady that is loved for her bitchiness. Ever though she will probably be the sweetest girl ever. One day, she is going to make a ship in a bottle. Oh, and beer is nasty, but Mike's Hard Lemonade is the best(: But don't drink. It's bad. Everyone always comes to her for advice, and everyone always tell her their life story, so be prepared. It happens.

Her name is married to her friend Star's name. And they are going to have 57 kids. But they only have a few right now. Those children are in her pictures. So, Kayla loves picture comments. They make her happy. Like, seriously. She hates messages. Comments are better(: So comment her, but add her first.
Name:Whatever you want it to be.
Age:Young at heart, old in soul.
Birthday:The day Dr. Seuss died.
Ethnicity:Not Asian.
Occupation:To make you smile.
MSN/YIM: Add me. Tncask8ergurl Smiles make the world go round.

My Blog

Here's your bedtime story Tiffani.

There was once these three watermelons and they decided it would be a good idea to go to the beach. Well these watermelon weren't any ordinary, beach-going watermelon, they were really undercover can...
Posted by on Tue, 09 Jun 2009 03:37:00 GMT

I love you.

Can't you see, can't you see,This smile on my face,It's for you, only you,Waiting on your warm embrace.Don't you know, don't you know,You are the one I adore.It's very true, so true,That I could't wan...
Posted by on Thu, 07 May 2009 15:13:00 GMT

I Am Strong.

You will not ever see,A single tear roll down my cheek,Try as you might to hurt me, And all I'll do is try and seek,Another way to be strong,Like everyone keeps saying,But you might all be wrong,Becau...
Posted by on Mon, 04 May 2009 21:40:00 GMT

Quotes of mine.

This is going to be a work in progress....-I don't want to fall asleep because I'm afraid that when I wake up, it will all just be a dream.-What are you doing? Giving birth?-You only live once so migh...
Posted by on Thu, 23 Apr 2009 15:48:00 GMT

Can't Cry, Won't Cry.

I'm the one that sits and hides,Just wanting you by my side,To hold you close right next to me,All I want is for you to see,I can't cry, I won't cry.I can't show you how I feel,I block everything I ca...
Posted by on Fri, 17 Apr 2009 20:53:00 GMT

You Don't Even Know

These are the days I hate the most,I wait around and it never fails,You say you will, but you never call,You don't even know how I feel.These are the days I hate the most,I do everything, but it doesn...
Posted by on Thu, 16 Apr 2009 18:55:00 GMT

You Are My Light

I'm lost in a place,far from anywhere,It's dark, It's scary,and I'm so alone.Where is the light?It can't be found.I've looked, I've searched.The light is gone.Smiles don't exist,In the place I am.No e...
Posted by on Thu, 16 Apr 2009 15:56:00 GMT

I feel compelled...

... to write this story.Autobiography with a twist if you will.On a rainy September day, amid violence and drama, a baby was born. She had olive toned skin, long, curly blonde hair, and blue eyes like...
Posted by on Wed, 01 Apr 2009 00:05:00 GMT

Woooww. Best thing I've EVER written. Ahahaha. Not really though. :P

Ucky. I'm tired. And I'm just laying here complaining. Ahaha. I think instead of doing that I'm going to write a story right now on the spot about... um... cell phones... um....... dancing! Yeah! That...
Posted by on Mon, 09 Mar 2009 17:14:00 GMT

This is what I want. No. Need.

I'm just going to write and see what comes out like I usually do. I guess I'll write about what I want.I want someone who will tell me they love me without me always having to say it first.I want some...
Posted by on Sun, 01 Mar 2009 15:38:00 GMT