Maya profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Born in San Francisco, ate sand on the beaches of India, drank on the streets of Chicago, painted the streets of san Francisco, uprising in Chicago, ....said goodbye to the streets of Roma....landed on the shiny shores of the bay. i heard they got gold here. presently residing at Castle Greyskull.

My Interests

street justice, tattoos, music, casey, my dog lucha-the best girl ever...watching the subway trains in rome, pittsburg/baypoint lurking, dollar bart beer, county fairs and airbrushed t-shirts, riding my bareknuckle single speed front brake while screaming obcenities to all the stupid drivers, any food that includes tomatos and olive oil. also..trouble in a white tshirt, mentioned above..

I'd like to meet:

Charles Bukowski, Bert Grim, Owen Jensen, Hunter S. Thompson. Henry Millers' Mona.


ccr, cat power, stiches, lungfish, leviathan, trouble, bottom, tragedy, from ashes rise, his hero is gone, brujeria, pinta facile, cock sparrer, brusiers, templars, Johnny Cash, lucero, fear, gg, notorious big, truce boys, rudi, rip offs, zodiac killers, loudmouths, coachwhips, numbers, reds, the marked men, holly golightly, never healed, staggers, the ponys, tyrades......


anything with Steve Mcqueen,the Getaway, Bullit, Blob. Old black and white Italian movies. Old B horror movies with zombies and blood. Meet the Feebles, Straw Dogs, Labryinth, Exorcist III, American Splendor, Heathers, Mean Girls, Grey Gardens..


most haunted, deadliest catch and football.....GO BEARS!!!!!!


anything Charles Bukowski, ham on rye, women, the roominghouse madrigals, the days run away like wild horses over the hills. Henry Miller, John Fante, Carson McCullers, Celine, John King, D.H Lawrence...


Porkchop....and my dog Lucha.