∞{{•pErFeCtLy iMpErFeCt•}}∞ profile picture

∞{{•pErFeCtLy iMpErFeCt•}}∞

I SeE yA KnEeS BuCkLe EvErY TiMe I sMiLe...

About Me

jEsSiCa iS tHe NaMe::BoRn NoVeMbEr 1, 1987 ::BoRn && rAiSeD iN DuVaL CoUnTy aKa jAcKsOnViLLe, fL::College student::tHe GREAT BetHuNe-CoOkMaN uNiVeRsItY::BeSt fRiEnD ∞NyChAuNdA∞::i'M pReTTy MuCh a BiG dEaLDoN't LiKe iT oH WeLL::ReLaTiOnShIp StAtUs •SiNgLe•::pRoBlEm WiTh mE?? [CaLL 1-800-i DoN't GiVe a sHiT]::QuEsTiOnS, CoMmEnTs, CoNcErNs <•LeAvE iN iNbOx•>
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My Interests


I'd like to meet:

JeSuS...BeCauSe WiThOuT HiM i wOuLd NoT bE ThE PeRsOn i Am ToDaY AnD BeCaUsE oF ThAt I GiVe HiM aLL pRaIsE!!aLsO I WoUlD LiKe To MeEt ThE oNe TrUe GuY ThAt cOmPleTeS mE...wHo LoVeS mE FoR mE...


RhYtHm aNd bLuEs, HiP HoP, gOsPeL


mY FaVoRiTe MoViE iN tHe wHoLe WiDe WoRlD iS •ReMeMbEr tHe TiTaNs•!! iT's tHe GrEaTeSt MoViE EvEr...LoL...BuT i LiKe CoMeDieS, DrAmAs, aNd ScArY MoViEs


i BaSiCaLLy WaTcH aNyThInG tHaT CaPtUrEs mY aTTeNtIoN. i ♥ LaW aNd OrDeR, FrEsH pRiNcE, aNd tHe SiMpSoNs


I LoVe ReAdInG bUt i HaVeN't DoNe iT iN a wHiLe. I doN't ReAllY hAvE a FaVoRiTe BoOk oR a FaVoRiTe GeNrE. WhAtEvEr KeEpS mY aTTeNtIoN iS WoRtH rEaDiNg tO mE.


i AbSoLuTeLy AdMiRe mY mOtHeR. ShE's ThE gReAtEsT! ♥

My Blog

{{That Special Day}}

Soooo...November 1, 2007 is the most important day in the year! What does this day signify?? The birth of yours truly!! I wil be 20 yrs old!! Being that my birthday is in exactly one month, I only thi...
Posted by ∞{{•pErFeCtLy iMpErFeCt•}}∞ on Mon, 01 Oct 2007 02:39:00 PST

So MaNy DeCiSoNs So LiTTlE TiMe...

Sooooo...I'm thinkin about cuttin my hair again this weekend when I go home. I kinda wanna cut it but I kinda don't. What do you guyz think???  
Posted by ∞{{•pErFeCtLy iMpErFeCt•}}∞ on Wed, 21 Feb 2007 02:06:00 PST

~ReAdY tO ScReAm~

I'm sooooo ready for a break. Classes are kickin my a$$ and I'm so ready for Spring Break. I'm physically, mentally, & emotionally drained! Things aren't goin the way I would like them, which is o...
Posted by ∞{{•pErFeCtLy iMpErFeCt•}}∞ on Tue, 30 Jan 2007 06:22:00 PST

~*My WeDDiNg SoNg*~

"When I'm With You"-Tony Terry   Yeah, just like thatAh-ha-ha-ha (Ooh, ooh, ooh)Ooh...hoo...hoo...(Ooh, ooh, ooh)Yeah, yeah When I'm with you, I hear a soundThat makes me laugh and smile and sing...
Posted by ∞{{•pErFeCtLy iMpErFeCt•}}∞ on Sat, 06 Jan 2007 08:15:00 PST

~*~A rEaL MaN~*~ (got this from a friend who got it from a friend)

"Why do boys play games? You would think they wouldnt. When they say they going to call, they dont. When you talk about sex, they all ears. Theres more feelings than sex, more depth than penetration, ...
Posted by ∞{{•pErFeCtLy iMpErFeCt•}}∞ on Thu, 19 Oct 2006 01:23:00 PST