I don't trust people with a lot of MySpace friends.
I wish instead of "Top 8", they had "Bottom 10".
R&B, 80s Rock, Indie, Old School Hip Hop(Tribe, J5, etc)
Friday, Memento, Office Space, Anchorman, Goodfellas, Old School, Godfather, Princess Bride, Sound of Music
The Wire(#1 show of ALL TIME), West Wing, Weeds, Sopranos, The Shield, Simpsons, Arrested Development, Family Guy, Seinfeld
The World According to Garp, Tuesdays with Morrie, Steppenwolf, A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius, Calvin and Hobbes, Killing Pablo, The Blind Side, Freakonomics, Moneyball, Flow, Korea Unmasked, Guns Germs and Steel, The Progress Paradox
Your Mom, Optimus Prime, sharp cheddar cheese, dduk gook, donkey punchers