I'm Tyler Wayne Morris. I'm 17. I'm a senior at New Albany. I take Electricity at Prosser. I've played bass for over 3 years. I'm in a band called The Russian Hammer with some of my best friends Max, Joey, Jade, and Leiven. We're brutal. Myspace with recordings coming soon. I have the most amazing, beautiful girlfriend anyone could ever ask for. Her name's Jacquelyn. We've been together since 10/21/07. We have our fights, but we work them out. I love that girl to death. If you want her, that's just too bad. She's mine and nothing's gonna change that. Try if you want, but I promise it won't end well. My best friends in the world are Max, Charlie, Schmitt, Justin, Mikey, and Everett. I know every one of them has my back, and they should feel the same way. If you fuck with one of them, you fuck with me. Remember that. The Notorious B.I.G. is the best rapper that ever lived. That's about all there is to know. If you don't like me, I don't need you. cell:(502)-544-7533 .. YouGonnaFallDown
Myspace Layouts
I got this layout from topbun