To the gold diggers- the heart of a man cannot be determined by the size of his pockets. To the 1's who talk too much- Ppl are like fish neither would get in trouble if they kept their mouths shut. To the depressed- It isn't your position that makes you happy or unhappy, it's your disposition. To the conceited- A person wrapped up in theirself is a VERY small package. Revenge seekers- The best way to get even is to forget! To the goal oriented- The only preperation for tomorrow is the right use of today. To the stressed- If a care is too small to be made into a prayer, it is too small to be made into a burden. To the boastful- The person who does things that count doesn't usually stop to count them. To the weiry- If you feel "dog tired" at night, maybe it's because you "growled" all day. To the discontent- Contentment isn't getting what we want but being satisfied with what we ALREADY have!! ALl in friendships- Real friends are those who when you've made a fool of yourself, don't feel you've done a permanent job. All in relationships- Your companion is like elevator buttons. They will either take you up or take you down. But YOU decide the direction!!!I'M OUT PPL'z *SMOOches* to yOu all