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John Calvin: Standing For- Sola Scriptura (Scripture Alone) - Sola Fide (Faith Alone) - Sola Christus (Christ Alone) - Sola Gratia (Grace Alone) - Soli Deo Gloria (To God Alone Be The Glory)Born July 10, 1509 in Noyon, France, Jean Calvin was raised in a staunch Roman Catholic family. At the age of 14 Calvin went to Paris to study at the College de Marche in preparation for university study. His studies consisted of seven subjects: grammar, rhetoric, logic, arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, and music. Toward the end of 1523 Calvin transferred to the more famous College Montaigu. While in Paris he changed his name to its Latin form, Ioannis Calvinus, which in French became Jean Calvin. During this time, Calvin's education was paid for in part by income from a couple of small parishes. So although the new theological teachings of individuals like Luther and Jacques Lefevre d'Etaples were spreading throughout Paris, Calvin was closely tied to the Roman Church. However, by 1527 Calvin had developed friendships with individuals who were reform-minded. These contacts set the stage for Calvin's eventual conversion to the Reformed faith. Also, at this time Calvin's father advised him to study law rather than theology.By 1528 Calvin moved to Orleans to study civil law. The following years found Calvin studying in various places and under various scholars, as he received a humanist education. By 1532 Calvin finished his law studies and also published his first book, a commentary on De Clementia by the Roman philosopher, Seneca. The following year Calvin fled Paris because of contacts with individuals who through lectures and writings opposed the Roman Catholic Church. It is thought that in 1533 Calvin experienced the sudden and unexpected conversion that he writes about in his foreword to his commentary on the Psalms.For the next three years, Calvin lived in various places outside of France under various names. He studied on his own, pastored, preached, and began work on his first edition of the Institutes—an instant best seller. By 1536 Calvin had disengaged himself from the Roman Catholic Church and made plans to permanently leave France and go to Strasbourg. However, war had broken out between Francis I and Charles V, so Calvin decided to make a one-night detour to Geneva.But Calvin's fame in Geneva preceded him. Farel, a local reformer, invited him to stay in Geneva and threatened him with God's anger if he did not. Thus began a long, difficult, yet ultimately fruitful relationship with that city. He began as a lecturer and preacher, but by 1538 was asked to leave because of theological conflicts. He went to Strasbourg until 1541. His stay there as a pastor to French refugees was so peaceful and happy that when in 1541 the Council of Geneva requested that he return to Geneva, he was emotionally torn. He wanted to stay in Strasbourg but felt a responsibility to return to Geneva. He did so and remained in Geneva until his death May 27, 1564. Those years were filled with lecturing, preaching, and the writing of commentaries, treatises, and various editions of the Institutes of the Christian Religion.Calvin was one of the greatest of theologians, pastors, and men, period. He suffered tremendously through life yet let God be glorified through him by being satisfied in God.You can listen to a great summary of John Calvin's life by John Piper here: ine_Majesty_of_the_Word/

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I will meet the Lord Jesus Christ One Day In The Clouds... I Thessalonians 4:16-18: For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words. I also look forward to meeting the saints of old in heaven.CAN ANYONE ENTER HEAVEN WITHOUT HOLINESS? WATCH THIS VIDEO AND CONSIDER THIS QUESTION IN MORE DETAIL:CHARLES SPURGEON'S TESTIMONY ON THE JUSTICE OF GOD:TO WATCH A PRESENTATION OF THE GOSPEL, CLICK HERE:A WONDERFUL MINISTRY COMMITTED TO DEFENDING GENESIS: IS CHRIST YOUR LORD? By A.W. PINK

My Blog

Gospel Treasures by J.C. Ryle

Posted by on Mon, 18 May 2009 15:24:00 GMT

The Way of Salvation by A.W. Pink

Posted by on Mon, 18 May 2009 15:22:00 GMT

Watch This: "Is Christ Your Lord" by A.W. Pink

"Is Christ Your Lord" by A.W. Pink Listen to the Biblically rich words of the author of the 19th and 20th century, A.W. Pink, describe what it means to be right with God and have Christ ...
Posted by on Wed, 18 Feb 2009 16:48:00 GMT

Watch This: "A Just God" by Charles Spurgeon

"A Just God" by Charles Haddon Spurgeon > to the words of the great preacher of the 19th Century, Charles Haddon Spurgeon, describe the...
Posted by on Wed, 18 Feb 2009 16:39:00 GMT

Suppose An Unholy Man Went To Heaven? by J.C. Ryle

Can an unholy man enter heaven?  What does this question mean?  Watch this video and find out: JOHN CALVIN: "Now what is to be learned from the law can be readily understood: that God, as...
Posted by on Fri, 15 Aug 2008 07:31:00 GMT

Romans 5:8-9 - Calvin’s Commentary

Here are John Calvin’s notes on Romans 5:8-9 as found in his commentary on Romans: Romans 5:8-9: But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.&nb...
Posted by on Tue, 25 Mar 2008 06:48:00 GMT

Worship In Geneva With Calvin & Comments on Hebrews 10:25

"The service began with an invocation, a confession of sin and a brief absolution. Then followed reading of the Scriptures, singing, and a free prayer. The whole congregation, male and female, joined ...
Posted by on Tue, 11 Mar 2008 06:34:00 GMT

Does This sound like your preacher?

John Calvin had no weapon but the Bible...Calvin preached from the Bible every day, and under the power of that preaching the city began to be transformed.  As the people of Geneva acquired knowl...
Posted by on Thu, 06 Mar 2008 07:30:00 GMT

You Must Be Born Again - John 3:3

To hear and see the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Click Here: Calvin on:  John 3:3: Jesus answered and said to him, Verily, verily, I say to thee, ...
Posted by on Thu, 06 Mar 2008 06:58:00 GMT

Calvin on John 3:16

JOHN 3:16-17:  For God so loved the world, that he gave his only-begotten Son; that whosoever believeth in him may not perish, but may have eternal life. 17. For God hath not sent his Son into th...
Posted by on Thu, 06 Mar 2008 06:48:00 GMT