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About Me

some of it anyway So well what to say about myself – indecision is my middle name and ‘truth is in the eye of the beholder’, reality is a construct, what do we say about ourselves and more importantly what don’t we say….?? Life is a red herring. So I am German (although my accent disguises it quite well) living in northern/ireland/uk stroke country, and I’m not very good at getting up most mornings, sometimes I’m very focused and busy, other times I enjoy being idle and spend a lot of time staring out of the window or biting off my split ends…. I tend to worry about the state of the planet and our overconsumerist attitudes. I wish proper work was unnecessary and we could all live and think and enjoy ourselves.I do this thing called circus or new circus or Hooha for a living and at times I love it and then I find it incredibly boring and so I try to go in search of new adventures and directions. Lately there seems to be quite a bit of performance art creeping into my life from behind the bushes, keep it coming life I say…I also kind of run a company called Circus Bone Idle (, which at times feels like looking after three useless, bickering blokes and at other times it’s great fun. I perform in a double act ‘Les Fleurs du Mal’ with the possibly grumpiest man in the world. Apart from that I hope to keep NapSoup, experimental aerial circus movement stuff going in some shape or form and I work with the silly Kenevil and Tina Machina in Tumble Circus’ show: Thon Tar Ceann (Arse Over Head). Recently I’ve inadvertently turned into Belfast Unbound’s head burleski performer, by hooping, crossing and being part of Dearbhla’s marvellous Can Can troupe.Companies or shows I like: Circus Ronaldo, Acrobat, Junebug Symphony etc, Immortal, Fraser Hooper, Nakupelle, Theatre en vol, Freaks In the Box, Candy Butchers…..In 2007 I hope to make an action, do something with a screen across a room, do some Feldenkrais, learn climbing, work hard, party harder, be as open and non judgemental as I possibly can….most of the pictures on my space were taken by my friends Helen ( and Joan (

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

superheroes, aliens and anarchists, beekeepers, clowns, deviants and devils (dichter und denker), elephants, fools, gardeners, hungover people, intellectuals, jackasses, klaus, lord fauntleroy, maniacs, nerds, opera singers, perverts, quantum physicists, rocknrollstars, seamstresses, teddy bears, undecided people, vaudevilians, wirewalkers, xessives, you, zoo keepers

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Posted by on Thu, 15 Feb 2007 02:28:00 GMT