About Me
Well I've finally become a My Space bitch. So hope you're all sitting comfortably.
I was an indie kid as a youngun and went to gigs at least once a week. Then Britpop kicked off and I went the Mod way, I then started going to skinhead do's and moved onto being a skinhead. I loved it, the music, scooters (even started to like chops!) the clothes, find myself a great tailor, spent all me money on having suits made. I thought this is it for life. I left the country for a year, went to New Zealand, but I really missed the scooters, music, but most importantly the culture. Not just skinhead, but being part of something, to feel like being in a gang. Theres nothing like being in a room full of strangers and everyone is completely mad about the same things you are. I sound like a right e head, but I'm not, don't want anything getting in the way of me cider drinking. But I kind of liked wearing other stuff, not fretting whether I looked the part, I know I had my head right up my own arse, I realised how much stuff I had just dismissed because it wasn't part of the scene.
So I've been back in Blighty for a couple of years and I'm rediscovering my youth. The music scene at the minute is ace, especially in Sheffield, which is really helpful for me in developing my stalker tendancies. I don't mean mad psycho, breadknife wealding stalker, but if I like a band (I mean alot), then I will see them everywhere, up and down the country.I still do the odd scooter rally, for a fix of Northern, Reggae and Rocksteady and to ooh and aah over the scoots. Don't have any scooters at the moment, but ya never know, the bug might get the better of me one of these days, when I can afford 5 grand for a chromed TS1 (any offers?)If anyone fancies joining me in a bit of harmless stalking, get in touchShelby xx