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Ottaviano BLITCH -

About Me

"VIRGIN MOTEL"-PulpFiction-VideoClaim-2008
"+LIVER+"-Trailer- WARNING!!-18 YEARS OLD AND MORE-Length:70"

Add to My Profile | More Videos COMING SOON. A brand-new Short movie taken from a real story. An authentic and Vicious English style film. Ottaviano BLITCH plays the part of the lead Actor with a great costarring, a new talented actress, called: Natasha Czertok. The movie's directed by the young and skilled italian Director FEDERICO GRECO. -ALL RIGHTS OF THE CONCEPT RESERVED-
An extraordinarily talented artist, with a consolidated body expression and an acting style that is truly international. An authentic taste and real bent for composition linked to the world of music. A thrilling and extremely good-looking artist, as seen in his latest live performance on the stage of the Embassy Club in London. Fellini's and Claudia Cardinale's photographer, Fiorenzo Niccoli, immortalized him in black and white in his “Timeless Portraits”, capturing a huge variety of nuances, ranging from the most romantic lightness to deep introspection, from the tragicomedy of farce to the intensity of drama. Constant as well as rigorous and remarkable physical training and a multi-faceted acting mask. A well-disciplined and harmonious body, which expresses itself through his explicit admiration for the wonderful period of the Renaissance, but that remains tied to exciting facial expression. Ottaviano: Simply Unique.
"GLADIATOR":An English showreel by the young and skilled director: Carlo Strata, made to show how funny'n'difficult is for the young and Talented actor: OTTAVIANO BLITCH to play two different characters at the same time, also makin'a parody of the great successful mivie called: "GLADIATOR", we've been stolen the lines and the soundtracks as well. It's a kinda sick sense of humour trying to challenge His Majesty Mr. Ridley Scott, isn't it? Forgive us all! GLADIATOR

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Uno straordinario talento artistico costituito da una sapiente recitazione a stampo internazionale ed una consolidata espressione corporea. Un autentico gusto compositivo legato all’Universo musicale. Una esaltante presenza scenica come documentato nell’ultimo spettacolo live all’Embassy di Londra. Una notevole predisposizione ad essere ritratto come “Soggetto da posa” sia per gli Artisti della Fotografia che per le sezioni di Disegno dal Vero delle Accademie d’Arte. Fiorenzo Niccoli, (fotografo di Fellini e Claudia Cardinale) lo immortala nei suoi “Ritratti senza tempo” in bianco e nero, carpendone una varietà di sfumature interiori che spaziano dalla leggerezza più romantica ad una profonda introspezione, dalla tragicomicità della commedia all’intensità del dramma. Una costante nonché rigida preparazione fisica ed una variegata maschera attoriale. Una disciplinata armoniosità corporea che si esprime attraverso la sua esplicita ammirazione verso il periodo Rinascimentale, rimanendo sempre legata ad una esaltante mimica facciale. Semplicemente inquietante.
LooseHeadZ-"NO FUN" video clip-2007-Victor&The Peacock for Giannattasio

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A SIT-IN demonstration in front of the MANZONI Theatre, In Milan, Italy. Monday the 16th of May 2006. On the occasion of the Italian Advertising Gran Prix, our activists made themeselves heard. The protest soon aroused the interest of Major TV Networks all over the world, as CNN and BBC. It was the first time that accounts protested such in a blatant way and this couldn't have passed unnoticed. Goodness knows if this will be enough to awaken the advertising world, or if there will be other protests. OTTAVIANO BLITCH is the starring of this funny SPOT. SAVE THE ACCOUNT-Commercial-Length 60"-Concept by Ricky Quartesan-Enfants Terribles

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Ein künstlerisches Talent von aussergewöhnlichem Ausmaß, in dem sich eine vorbildliche Vortragskunst internationaler Prägung, mit einer aufs äußerste beherrschten Körpersprache verbindet. Ein authentisches, der Welt der Musik entlehntes Gefühl für die Komposition. Eine begeisternde Fähigkeit, sich auf der Bühne zu bewegen, wie sie auch auf der letzten Live-Vorstellung, am Embassy in London, zum Ausdruck kam. Eine besondere Begabung den Kunst-Fotografen, aber auch den Porträt – und Aktzeichnern der Kunstakademien „Modell“ zu stehen. Der Fotograf von Fellini und Claudia Cardinale, Fiorenzo Niccoli verewigt ihn in seinen schwarz-weiss Fotografien “Zeitlose Porträts”, wobei es ihm gelingt zahlreiche Nuancen seiner inneren Regungen zum Ausdruck zu bringen, von einer romantischen Gedankenlosigkeit bis zur tiefsten Selbsbetrachtung, vom Tragikomischen der Komödie bis hin zur inneren Anspannung des Dramas. Ein konstantes sowie hartes Körpertrainig als Grundlage einer zutiefst beherrschten schauspielerischen Verwandlungskunst.. Eine gebändigte Harmonie des Körpers, in der die Bewunderung für die Rennaissance deutlich zum Ausdruck kommt, immer mit einer Mimik verbunden, die zur Begeisterung hinreißt. Einfach beunruhigend.
Un talent artistique hors du commun fait de récitation savante à matrice internationale et d’une expression corporelle consolidée. Un goût authentique pour la composition lié au monde musical. Une exaltante présence sur scène, come témoigné dans le dernier spectacle live à l’Embassy de Londres. Une prédisposition remarquable à être appréhendé comme “Sujet de pose” aussi bien pour les Artistes de la Photographie que pour les classes de Dessin à partir du Modèle Vivant des Académies de Beaux-arts. Fiorenzo Niccoli, (photographe de Fellini et de Claudia Cardinale) le immortalise dans ses “Portraits intemporels” en noir et blanc, en lui ravissant un ensemble de nuances intérieures qui vont de la légèreté la plus romantique à une profonde introspection, du tragicomique de la comédie à l’intensité du drame. Une préparation physique rigide et constante conjuguée avec un masque diversifié d’acteur. Une harmonie corporelle disciplinée s’exprimant à travers son admiration explicite de la Renaissance, toujours liée à une mimique faciale exaltante. Simplement troublant.
THE MASTER BUILDER - Trailer-Starring:Ottaviano Blitch

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Member Since: 10/9/2006
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Type of Label: Indie