Poesia dirigida al espiritu de la mujer latina:"Levantate Mujer Latina"
(A.E. Vega, Noviembre 2006)
Levantate Mujer Latina Y descubre adentro de ti
El cantar de un pueblo Que alaba y admira La fuerza interna que yace ahi En ese corazon que late Lleno de amor y pureza Lleno de valor y coraje Lleno de un poder Que aun no reconoces Que aun no es para ti una certeza Levantate Mujer Latina Y mira lo grande que el mundo es Lo que te ofrece la vida Y deja atras tu pasado Las heridas del ayer y Ese miedo que te paraliza Y que no te deja ser Levantate Mujer Latina Y reclama tu lugar Y con voz alta gritale a los cuatro vientos Que ya no andas vencida Que ya has despertado Que ya te has liberado Y que jamas miraras hacia atras Levantate y toma lo que te ofrece el mundo Lo que por derecho te mereces Lo que un pueblo que te admira sabe que yace ahi Levantate, despierta, respira y vive Que el universo entero te celebra, te aplaude, y te respalda Levantate y con orgullo y cabeza en alto Dale rienda suelta al fuego y a la pasion que hay en ti.
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I'd like to meet positive people with a passion for life and for effectuating change and helping youth, especially young women, find direction in life, learn how to love and appreciate who they are, embrace education and reach for the stars. I believe that there is nothing that we can't accomplish if we believe in ourselves and in the power that lies within each of everyone of us. I salute all of the Latinas, and women in general, who have made their mark in American society and who have helped pave the way for generations to come. To those who came before us and to those who go ahead of us, BRAVO!! Thank you for never giving up on your dreams and for making it possible for us to live ours!!
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My sons Jose, Edwin and Isaiah without whom I would have never made it as far as I did. Your constant love and support throughout the years helped to make me the person that I am today. I am so very proud of the men you have become. Remember always that I LOVED YOU FIRST!! My grandchildren Greyson, Mateya, Gabriella and Mia, an extension of all that I am and all that I hope to become, who remind me that you LOVED ME SECOND!!The God of the Universe: I acknowledge my dependence upon thee!!You have never left nor forsaken me. You've proved yourself true time and time again. And last but certainly not least, my childhood sweetheart, husband and best friend Jerry, for loving me unconditionally in and out of time and for opening up my world to the meaning of true love. Your strength of character in the most dire of circumstances has taught me to stand firm no matter what life throws my way. I loved you then, I love you now, I'll love you always.
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