♥♥ Hey, I’m Krista Glynne, I’m 21, and a Christian slowly BUT surely becoming the woman God wants me to be. I’m complicated, although I pretend not to be. My likes and dislikes contradict themselves constantly and I’ve got a pretty intricate personality. I’m a perfectionist and obsessive compulsive about most things, not all, I need structure and organization YET I love the feeling of being completely spontaneous. I make lists, every day, it’s the only way I remember things or get anything done. I’m incredible indecisive, I don’t even know my favorite candy bar or color for that matter. I’ve got high energy, and can be a lot to handle…I talk way too much, and will randomly bursts into songs and dances, and take pictures to document everything. My sense of humor is terribly sarcastic, I find myself funny though. I love surprises and yet hate not having control over them, and I find spots on the floor to lay on that I call my safe spot. I am petrified of snakes, I shut down, I instantly start to cry, and shake, and cant breathe, so please keep me separated from them. When I'm lost I get anxiety attacks....I love babies, and old men, I want to take them all home. Anything furry makes me squeal and have the urge to squeeze. I seem to have trust issues and yet I always try to see the good in people even if they don’t deserve it. I love decorating and cleaning and cooking…I want to be a mini Martha Stewart, minus the jail time. I love to read the classics, I talk and text on my cell way too much. And this is getting way too long. I have the most amazing group of friends and family, even if they are weird…my life is changing constantly and I have a lot to learn. ♥♥
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Kristin Chenoweth singing "Taylor the Latte Boy"