Writing, Reading, Fanfiction, Violin, Books, Fiction, Mythology-General, Greek Mythology, Legends, Creepy things, Fantasy, Bowling, Tennis, Webcomics, Comic Books, Geeks, RPGs, Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Full Metal Alchemist, Samurai Deeper Kyo, Pirates of the Carribean, Gate, Blood Alone, Physics, Philosophy, English, Grammar, Spelling, Chatting, AIM, Fatal Frame II:Crimson Butterflies, Anime, Manga, Art, Writer's Block...and more
Anyone vaguely interesting, intelligent, creative, or simply new! Matt Thiessen (from Relient K), Jeph Jacques (author of the awesome webcomic Questionable Content), Chris Hastings (author of the uber-awesome Dr. McNinja), William Shakespeare (Me and Shakey are tight. I just wish he wasn't dead), Jean Paul-Sartre (same as Shakey), Jane Austen, Margaret Mitchell, and a heck of a lot more people I admire/adore/stalk/etc. . Also S/J/W, whomever and wherever he is, so I can tell him EXACTLY what I think of him. (Hint: It starts with "I HATE YOU") . Links I Love(bonus points for alliteration): Questionable Content (webcomic) Dr. McNinja (webcomic) DR. MCNINJA FORUM (try to find me here!) My Fanfiction (some good and bad. It's been a while.) ScaryGoRound (webcomic) I know most of those links were webcomics...what can I say? I'm a geek and the people who know me
Various things from Relient K to Panic! At The Disco to Hawk Nelson to FM Static to Vivaldi to Bree Sharp to Simple Plan to Yoshiki to Spanish music to J-Pop to etc.
Was a big Buffy fan for a long time, Supernatural fan for a while, but really I don't have much time for tv anymore. EXCEPT FOR WHEN IT COMES TO House! House M.D. Gosh darn it, someone make Dr. Gregory (tree XD) House mine!
Very varied and too many to list. I guess some personal all time faves I can think of right now are The Count of Monte Cristo, Gone with the Wind, Pride and Prejudice, 1984, Emma and so many more. This'll probably get longer when I get less lazy .
The first and foremost reason I live. ~God, Jesus (my Homeboy), Holy Spirit. A man who taught me that questioning life and religion and teachers and everything was okay and healthy and constantly remind(ed) me that I am worth more than I value myself. ~Mr. F. A friend who is always there for me to smack me upside the head when I'm being impossible or to sit there and listen to me rant. ~K. He knows so much and always has an encouraging word for me, or simply a "roar". I admire him greatly. ~Roar. So many people that I've known or wished I knew who have affected me and changed me and made me who I am. ~My family, writers, philosophers, everyday people.