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5/13/07 Hey everyone ...HAPPY MOTHERS DAY -- to all the moms..... YEAAAAAAAAH! NOW LADIES LETS GO PARTY.... LOL...A New Year ! A New Me.. I been trying to established myself -- The model Thang! So bare With me .. My website is going to be up soon! ... I had put my trust into a company for building my Site ! And I was not satisfied ! so I am getting everthing together! I had a Yahoo group -- But it got hack into ---- so I will be placing up a new one! I apologize 4 the long -- journey -- but IT IS WORTH THE WAIT! I am her to do business.. Ready to make things happen! I noticed that people give up on there dreams to fast...Only the motivated stay STRONG ! And I am One of them! I belive in " Everything happens for a REASON!Beauty is only skin Deep ! But knowledge is A vision of understanding ....The brain! It takes Wise Descision to make * Who U ARE! ..........
I currently live in Milwaukee, Wisconsin * Home Sweet Home ! But I travel ------- Some of every Where ..! And Atlanta is my second home !Alot of people ask me how I got to modeling ! *****More info is on mywebsite www.alesyahflores.comI am on MySpace for Business! I love meeting new people! So If you are sending notes ! I apologize for not responding ! I read every last one of them ..But I just cant respond to all!
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Powered by yeah thanks to all the photographers I work with! Smooches!D.C Strokers! ==== Matt Davis == Dwayne Darter = Anthony /Tory
Platium Images === Adrian
1. What nationality am I ?
I am Mexican, Indian, and African American..
2. How did I start modeling?
I took some pictures for Strokers Website ...And I submitted them to agents and began getting little gigs. I feel professional but I only be doing this for a year * Seriously!
3. What do I do besides model?
I work at a night club as a Entertainer. Most of the time you can find me in Strokers,(Atlanta)-or- Body Tap(Atlanta). I ocassionally Travel -- every once in awhile. I also Do hair -- when i have time and no* there not kitchen Hair do's their Profesional Styling!
4. What do I do in my spare time?
I usually on the internet -- or spending time with my Kids and my family-- I hardly go out because I travel so much -- it gets me kind of tired!
5. How do I stay in shape?
Iused to work out on a regular bases - --But I got lazy and I do Winsor's Pilates every once in a blue moon.
6. Do you have any Bad Habits?
Well.....Sometimes -- I bite my nails when I think to hard! lol
7. What kind of guys do I like?
To be honest i do like a nice looking man but ------ He really has to be RESPECTFUL, HONEST, LOVING, AND UNDERSTANDABLE!* (hE CAN BE RICH 2*)sMILE!
8. Do I YOU have a website?
Sorry not yet it is still under construction------ it should be done in July
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