I am looking for a drunken priest or a troubled nun to confess my "Sins" too. Come join me to confess my sins. If the confession booth is rockin, don't bother knockin' just take a peak and come on in. After a long night of Midnight Mass we can transform ourselves in a long hot bath of oil and Holy Water. If you feel, that our spirits are not cleansed by our morning soak. We can always take the back door approach. Light a candle and pray to the Saint's. Hallelujah! "We need the extra room, with you kneeling in the Pew." As the sweet smell of Frankincense and Myrrh fill the room. Clasp your hands and close your eyes very tight. Hail Mary will not be the only thing on your mind tonight. I'll whisper to you with my breathless voice and say.
"I know what more to do with rosary beads, than just pray. :)"