world peace and 3rd world debt........just kidding! thats bollocks, i like shoes and pretty things and pink stuff, and takin photos, and drivin, and doin my hair,actually i hate doin my hair, but i like it once its pretty.
I saw this on sum1 elses profile....sorry cant remember who, if it was u...... thanx!IT WILL ALL BE FINE IN THE END, IF ITS NOT FINE, ITS NOT THE END.thought that was pretty new philosophy!img src="" alt="Myspace Layouts" border="0" /
I like all kind of music as long as its fairly normal. Everyone thinks i am obsessed with lily allen, but im not i just like her and evry one keeps bring it up.i like other music too.At the mo i like Jamie T and just discovered the klaxons, i like them!
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i dont think iv ever finished a book ever. im quite proud of that!
MySpace Codes
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