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About Me

Under my birth-date....IM A MONKEY!!! Very impatient and hyper!!! You want things to be done as quick as possible. At heart, you are quite simple and love if you are the center of attraction. That way, you people are unique. You would like to keep yourself safe from all the angles. Shall your name be dragged or featured in any sort of a controversy, you then go all panicky. Therefore, you take your precautions from the very beginning. When you foresee anything wrong, your sixth sense is what saves you from falling in traps. Quite a money minded bunch you people are!!
How Old is Your Inner Child?
brought to you by Quizilla
My inner child is sixteen years old!
Life's not fair! It's never been fair, but while
adults might just accept that, I know
something's gotta change. And it's gonna
change, just as soon as I become an adult and
get some power of my own.
What's your element
brought to you by Quizilla
Your element is Water. You are a deep person and a
good communicator. Incredibably loving and
loyal when your trust is gained and you are
fairly mature.Myterious to the utmost water is
in everything. One can be an Ocean or a river
but nobody truly knows you.
What Type of Soul Do You Have ?
brought to you by Quizilla
You are naturally born with a gift, whether it be
poetry, writing or song. You love beauty and
creativity, and usually are highly intelligent.
Others view you as mysterious and dreamy, yet
also bold since you hold firm in your beliefs.

My Interests

mountain climbing, coffee breaks, lunchdates, hangin' outs, night-outs, concerts, Art, illustrations, Graphix, blah blah blah

I'd like to meet:

old friends and new ones....pipol of all walks of life....


RaDioHEad, sugarfree, InDIe RocK, ThE SunDAys, Cocteau TwiNs, THirD EyE BliNd, Stone TemPle PilOts, NirVanA, pORtIsHEaD, aNNiE lENnOx, cRanbERRieS, jEWel, fIonA aPpLe, tORi aMoS, sHErYL cRow, boB maRLeY, pAROkYA ni eDGaR, inCUbuS, cOldpLaY, hangDAmiSobRa!


tHEre'S sOMEtHINg aBt maRY, fORestgumP, hARRypOTTer, lORd oF thE rIngS, iNTErviEw wITh A vaMPiRe, cOnaIR, fACe oFf dami pa rin!


BuFFy d'Vampire SLaYer, ALiaS, ScI-MiAmI, CouRagE d' COwArdlY DoG, ArrGhh..ReAL MOnsterS, ThIrD RoCk FroM thE Sun, AllEY McBeaL, ChiCAgo HOpE, tHE pRAcTIce, drew carrey show, that 70s show..hangdami coz Bum na naman!


Harry PotteR, LoRd of thE RinGs, JEssiCa ZaFRa-TwisTEd, DesiGn BooKs, SaNdMAn



My Blog

bewitchin' switch

Cebu. Nothing special, nothing to look forward to specially if im here and my frends are in Manila. My playground's reduced to the 4-corners of Cebu Midtown Hotel, with the tube as my playmate...
Posted by ana on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

on cramps and tears

woke up with a sore back and a nasty cramp all over my tighs and legs. why you say? I just WALKED lang naman from our place (bayan sur) to a town called Calabanga. Im sure you cant imagine how loooong...
Posted by ana on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

on taking sides

Just becoz you hate the person I'm talking to doesnt mean you have to hate me as well coz if you do then ur being pathetic. like whats ur problem? He's nice with me and compared to you he is more stra...
Posted by ana on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

bored but smiling.

its a saturday here in d ofis. nice! got tons of work - yeah ryt?! m just downloading some mp3s...whoa! cool icons, shit, maka-download mga ulet! shef! san ba mga pipol? where the heck have they all g...
Posted by ana on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

sheesh! th.jpg sheesh! still got no work....waaaahh...m so B-O-R-E-D! :(
Posted by ana on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


its easy to be sad, sad like me! have nothing at the moment - - - No job, No d8, No L-I-F-E....
Posted by ana on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

eng2 pa

buurrp! gosh! that beer suck! m here glued to my chair trying to hold my head straight. I think I had too much of beer last nyt! wahhh! ganda pala sa BAYWALK! hanep! I like it.
Posted by ana on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST