mountain climbing, coffee breaks, lunchdates, hangin' outs, night-outs, concerts, Art, illustrations, Graphix, blah blah blah
old friends and new ones....pipol of all walks of life....
RaDioHEad, sugarfree, InDIe RocK, ThE SunDAys, Cocteau TwiNs, THirD EyE BliNd, Stone TemPle PilOts, NirVanA, pORtIsHEaD, aNNiE lENnOx, cRanbERRieS, jEWel, fIonA aPpLe, tORi aMoS, sHErYL cRow, boB maRLeY, pAROkYA ni eDGaR, inCUbuS, cOldpLaY, hangDAmiSobRa!
tHEre'S sOMEtHINg aBt maRY, fORestgumP, hARRypOTTer, lORd oF thE rIngS, iNTErviEw wITh A vaMPiRe, cOnaIR, fACe oFf dami pa rin!
BuFFy d'Vampire SLaYer, ALiaS, ScI-MiAmI, CouRagE d' COwArdlY DoG, ArrGhh..ReAL MOnsterS, ThIrD RoCk FroM thE Sun, AllEY McBeaL, ChiCAgo HOpE, tHE pRAcTIce, drew carrey show, that 70s show..hangdami coz Bum na naman!
Harry PotteR, LoRd of thE RinGs, JEssiCa ZaFRa-TwisTEd, DesiGn BooKs, SaNdMAn