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Another badass quiz from eSPIN-the-Bottle...
The eSPIN Personality Test
MY RESULT: The Thinker
..You're smart, and you know what? You totally know it.
You value brains above almost anything else, which is pretty good. (Better than valuing, say, booties). But you also tend to get cocky about your own intelligence.
Keep up with the intellectual pursuits, but don't be afraid to be wrong every once in a while. Seriously - stupidity can be cute!
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-------------quiz1end -------------quiz2beginAnother badass quiz from eSPIN-the-Bottle...
Which Sexy Are You?
MY RESULT: Cool Sexy
..You keep it real smooth, all James Bond-style. The suave, international hotties will love you.
You’re sophisticated, mature, and you’ve got fairly expensive tastes. (And your personal hygiene? Outstanding.) Just be careful not to get too carried away. Big, bold romantic gestures are sexy and all, but there’s something to be said for sharing a laugh or dancing in the rain. (As long as you’re not wearing any suede.)
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-----------quiz2end -------quiz3beginAnother badass quiz from eSPIN-the-Bottle...
What’s Your Mental Age?
MY RESULT: Middle Aged
..Regardless of how old your body is, up in your head, you’re paying mortgages and complaining about back pain.
That's great that you're so mature, but remember: it's okay to cut loose and act young every once in a while. Do your wild side a favor and stay up past 10:00 one night this week.
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--------quiz3end --------quiz4beginAnother badass quiz from eSPIN-the-Bottle...
Where Will You Be In 10 Years?
MY RESULT: A Billionaire
..Way to plan for the future! When your first billion rolls around, don’t forget who predicted it first – and please send us a nice fruit basket.
So, how do you ensure this wonderful fate? Be sure to save your money, invest it wisely, and don't waste all your cash on soda and ice cream sandwiches. You have no idea how many would-be billionaires lost their fortunes because of junk food.
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