Toe Knee Below Knee profile picture

Toe Knee Below Knee

I am here for Friends

About Me

Replacement MySpace is never as good as original myspace...
I am completely flummoxed by stairs. Thought you should know.
No one decides to believe what they believe. You can't force yourself to believe anything. The only thing you can choose is the label you place on yourself. The label itself does not change your underlying belief system.
"God is NOT a DJ, Life is NOT the dance floor, and while you are on your quest to find Heaven, be carful not to stumble upon Hell. Don't worry about saving me, worry about saving yourself. Don't teach me about your God, I'm happy with mine."
-Manar Noor
George W. Bush and I agree that tacos rule.
So, here you have it folks- The man, the rock, the lunch meat (?) Tony Bologna. A total chowder head, yet the only tangible proof there still exists a true gentleman for the 21st century. no, ladies, chivalry is not dead, (although you have placed it in intensive care) just most of you simply aren't worth it anymore.
I really want to be interesting to you, but probably the most endearing thing about me that I could put in a cheesy internet profile (especially one on MySpace) is that I am just like you. I very much enjoy locking groups of stupid people in cages and poking them with sticks, just like you. Also, like you, I often take a healthy olfactorial swigg of my own farts to test their level of offensiveness for fun. I hate the same shit you do, too. Like stale Cheeto's, or having to wait for the next Paris Hilton joint to hit the airwaves ("waiting, thats not hot &reg"), or finding out you have VD, despite how much fun that guy with the drip may be at parties.
But, I digress...
It is what it is though, because although people are most comfortable around those with whom they have at least a little in common the real adherence of one to another comes in how they differ. They say no man is an island (whomever the hell they is). My theory, it would appear supports that idea: Like pieces of a puzzle our differences form the protrusions that fill the gaps in one another's lives, and the resulting hodgepodge is something much bigger and more beautiful than any one person could ever be on his own.
So you see the irony: Although the commonalities are what bring us together its the variances -whether they be in lifestyle, points of view, income, or taco shell preference- that bond us. In fact, the more polarized we are, the more exists for us to learn from one another.
There you have it, (my)space cadets. A microcosm of what I'm "about"... Sniffing out those things that let us transcend the differences between you and I (other than the spelling of course) so we can get past the ignorance and onto the sex(!).

My Interests

Dreadfully stupid, annoyingly dense, eminently vapid, sexually indescriminate, but disease free girls. With tits.

I'd like to meet:

I am so incredibly proud to know this man. Probably one of the coolest people on this planet.

Religions are based on superstition, bolstered by revealed truths that are neither revealed nor true, chronicled in a fashion that is haphazard at best, and perpetuated in order to maintain social control and consolidate political and economic power. Religion is neither essential to ethics and morality, nor necessarily productive of them. To the contrary, religion has throughout history and into the present day been used to justify repression and excuse atrocities. God is a fairy tale, heaven and hell are fabrications, and all were contrived to explain the natural universe, beginning at a time when humans lacked the knowledge base and the intellectual tools to formulate more apt answers. It is the hope of any rational mind that we would have moved beyond this.

"You know, one of the hardest parts of my job is to connect Iraq to the war on terror." --George W. Bush, interview with CBS News' Katie Couric, Sept. 6, 2006


Generip, St. Louis' DPR, See the Scrobbles below for my current likes.


Shortbus "Is that the first time somebody sang the national anthem into your ass?"
Star Trek IV
Alpha Dog actually wasn't that bad
Hard Candy ~see it.


Sarah Silverman(huge crush! Fuck you Bob.) Arrested Development, Star Trek, Mama's family, That '70s Show, though I hate typing it, Top Gear, Anything Jeremy Clarkson, Really, Family Guy/American Dad, Scrubs...blah, blah, blah...




George W. Bush, All proud non-white Americans with the will to better themselves and rise above the stereotypes, White Americans who actively support the former.

My Blog

There are always two sides to a story, and it’s not always your place to figure out who’s right

Everyone seems to have a side on the issue, but I rarely run into someone who can back it up with any real evidence, or tell me why they picked the argument that they did other than for just believing...
Posted by Toe Knee Below Knee on Sun, 23 Dec 2007 09:41:00 PST

Gut wrenching American history lesson set to one of the most beautiful songs ever written.

Be appalled, saddened, angry, hopeful, pensive...whatever, but please feel something.The song is Strange Fruit. Originally a poem written in 1937 by a Jewish school teacher named Able Meeropol, Strang...
Posted by Toe Knee Below Knee on Thu, 16 Aug 2007 08:11:00 PST

Politically charged music video for yall

We're not all plastic and hateful and worthless....
Posted by Toe Knee Below Knee on Thu, 16 Aug 2007 07:03:00 PST


Most of you know that I post my pictures to the photoblog site For those of you that don't know that fact you probably also don't know that Yafro's been replaced check it Replacement Yafro....
Posted by Toe Knee Below Knee on Wed, 03 Jan 2007 05:36:00 PST

Don't waste your time reading this.

I'm driving and I notice the car in front of me has a license plate ring covered in little pastel insects and at the bottom it reads: I love butterflies. That got me big is the market ...
Posted by Toe Knee Below Knee on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 09:41:00 PST

Angry Black

An excerpt from Maddox.xmission.comNo updates are better than your updates.Updates to my site have been slow lately, so some of you have taken this as an invitation for you to send me your stupid topi...
Posted by Toe Knee Below Knee on Mon, 06 Nov 2006 12:18:00 PST