I'm English through and through but thanks to all of my travels I'm a high class gyppo :-D
What am I here for?
To keep in touch with my friends from all over the place
NOT to tell everyone what im doing each step of the day...
If you're one of those people, dont add me, i hate pointless bulletins about how good your cornflakes taste..
so please dont think youre special and try anyway.
Ill tell you what i LOVE against what i HATE
:hairdesign:-------------*all kinds of beans
:makeupdesign*-----------*wooden spoons
:clothes:----------------*people going on about music
:kinkysex:---------------*being ill
:clubbing:---------------*sore gums
:pin ups:----------------*ignorance
:tattoos:----------------*crap inet connection
:piercings:--------------*people eating their bogies
:pubcrawling:------------*people being unreliable
:raving:-----------------*not answering your phone
:pool:-------------------*being hungry
:singingbadly:-----------*being poor
:bowling:----------------*vegans- just bloody eat it
:shootinguns:------------*screaming girls
:oldfilms:---------------*blocked noses
:telly:------------------*adverts that make no sense
:cardgames:--------------*adverts in general
:boardgames:-------------*cold noses
:laughing:---------------*being cold
:butterfingers:----------*crap telly
:crackerbread:-----------*bitchy girls
:nuts:-------------------*icky stuff in your mouth
:the 50s:----------------*sore finger skin
:the 60s:----------------*plenty of room for more
:the 70s:
:the 80s:
Skatin' Place - Roller Derby at Burning Man
combining my two great loves.. Roller Derby and Burning Man Festival!! love to the skating burners!!