WornOutWanderer profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

I'm fairly antisocial, only because I really dont consider socialization any kind of priority in my life. I'm trying to focus on more basic things right now like getting a place, getting a car, and going to college so I can make my daughters life better than mine was. I don't have the time to socialize and I don't bother with it. I have a boyfriend and a very few really close friends and thats good enough for me because the more people the more complications.Over the next 4 to 5 years i'm putting all my energy into overdrive to get all my goals accomplished so that my daughter doesn't have to remember the struggle or the poverty.So if I don't know you don't bother writing me. You may be a great person but I really don't feel like taking the time it will take to get to know you. No offense, sorry, its really not your fault. I just don't have the time.

My Interests

dental studies, surgical procedures, rare conditions and diseases, psycholoy, music, art, succeeding at any cost


seeking something better than the mainstream i have found thus far. something industrial, something unique, something that sounds beautiful, hard, different...


natural born killers, american beauty, the matrix trilogy, full metal jacket, the butterfly effect, donnie darko


surgery... ANYTHING surgery......


this world has no heroes or even any villians, merely motals all in equael to eachother. you are only what you make yourself, and how you percieve a person can never make them invincible.

My Blog

dreams of death and bunnies

so for the last several months ive had nightmares beyond that of any horror film you would ever see.  bits of flesh from the scalp with the hair still attached, so detailed i can make out every f...
Posted by WornOutWanderer on Sun, 19 Nov 2006 08:27:00 PST

sometimes we're all wrong

so i guess in the end love may not be enough to pay the bills, or any of that, but it is enough to stay together when the times get bad... to learn to let some shit go... to make you try harder to kee...
Posted by WornOutWanderer on Sun, 12 Nov 2006 11:17:00 PST

sick of it

im really getting sick of it.  im getting more tired than i have in my entire life.  i feel like all i ever do is fight and fight to try to get things to work, and right as the end to the st...
Posted by WornOutWanderer on Mon, 23 Oct 2006 06:28:00 PST