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He Wont Cheat On Me!!

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Time Started::
--About You--
Name:: Kristen
Initials:: KDM
Gender:: Female
Age:: 23
Date of Birth:: 11/18/83
Zodiac Sign:: Scorpio
Hair Color:: Black
Eye Color:: Dark Brown
Height:: 5'5
Birthplace:: Largo Maryland
Current Location:: Baltimore
Current School Name:: Coppin State University
School Mascot:: Eagle
School Colors:: Blue/ Gold
Current Grade:: Soph
Class of...?::
Do you like School?:: Love it
Favorite Class:: African American History
Least Favorite Class:: Anatomy 2
Good, Bad, or Average Grades:: Good
What college do you want to go to?:: Howard
What will you major/minor in?: Nursing/Spanish
Food:: Any Pasta and Seafood
Drink:: Sprite
Color:: Purple
Number:: 3
Sport:: Swimming
Actor:: none
Actress:: none
Movie:: Love Jones
TV Show:: Top Model
Season:: Summer
Time of Day:: Night
Holiday:: New Years
Band:: Creed
Song:: UpGrade U
Country:: Brazil
Ice Cream Flavor:: Pralines N Creme
Single?:: In a Relatioship
If so, do you have a crush?:: Yes
If not, what's his/her name?:: I'll Never Tell
Ever been in love?:: I am Right Now
Shortest relationship:: 1 month
Longest relationship:: 3 years
Do you want to get married?:: yes
First thing you notice about the opposite sex?:: Teeth
Favorite thing about the opposite sex?:: Lips
Number of Brothers:: 2
Number of Sisters:: 1
Do you get along?:: We Love each other
Pets:: Kyu
What are they?:: Fish
Are you a good friend?:: Always
Would you rather have a lot of "sort-of" friends or a few good friends?:: Few Good Friends
Has anyone ever told you that you were a good friend?:: all the time
Outgoing or Shy:: Both
Do you like to make new friends?:: sure why not
Religion:: Chrisanity
Are you open about your beliefs?:: Yes
Do you believe in the traditional Heaven and Hell?:: Yes
Predestination:: I got to think about that.
Love at first sight:: Yes
Astrology/Horoscopes:: Not really but there fun to talk about
Evolution:: Yes
Life on other planets:: Maybe
Are you superstitious?:: No
--This or That--
Rock/Country:: Country
Diamonds/Pearls:: Diamonds
Puppies/Kitties:: Puppies
Contacts/Glasses:: contacts
USA/Canada:: Usa
Gold/Silver:: Silver
Pepsi/Coke:: Coke
McDonalds/Burger King:: The King Baby
Chicken Fingers/Chicken Nuggets:: Fingers
Skiing/Snowboarding:: Snowmobile
East Coast/West Coast:: West
London/Paris:: Paris
New York/L..A.:: LA
Morning/Night:: Night
Love/Money:: Love
Target/Walmart:: I Cant choose
MSN Messenger/Yahoo! Messenger: Yahoo
--Do You--
Shower Daily:: Gotta Stay Fresh
Write Memos on your hands:: Naw
Have any special sleeping requirements (i.e. lights off, left side, etc.):: I have to sleep by the wall if I'm in the bed with a man
Like yourself:: Love Me
Have any weird habits:: Not that I Know of
--Have You Ever--
Gone skinny dipping:: Yes
Smoked a cigarette:: No
Been in love:: Yes
Been heartbroken:: Plenty of times
Had a crush on a teacher:: Yes
Been expelled/suspended:: Yes
Got detention:: Yes
Thrown up in public:: Last week
Been out of the country:: No
Flown in an airplane:: Yes
Done drugs:: Yes
Drank alcohol:: Yes
Been to sleep-away camp:: Yes
Been sent to the principal's office:: Yes for being High in Class
Made a prank phone call:: No
Cried yourself to sleep:: Yeah plenty of times
Broken a bone:: No
Laughed so hard you cried:: yes
Cried so hard you laughed:: yes
Climbed a tree:: yes
--Ratings (1-10 On How Important It Is)--
Friends:: 8
Family:: 10
Music:: 4
Love:: 10
Happiness:: 10
Money:: 7
Life:: 10
Education:: 10
Religion:: 10
Medication:: 1
Food:: 9
Sleep:: 8
Nature:: 2
Comfort:: 10
Phone:: 3
Computer:: 2
Time Ended::
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