LiiL _ O profile picture

LiiL _ O

LiiL_ O

About Me

Im 17 y3ars old, and g0 t0 W0rc3st3r V0k3. I am takin Financ3 & Mark3tin. F0r all y0u hat3rs!!! I 3nj0y chill3n wit my b0ys, and girlz, g0in 0ut and t0 f0otball games. Hav3 t0 R3P "BULLDOGS". Als0 like g0in 0ut t0 th3 clubs. NOT Shab0oms that shyt is f0r th3 y0ung bucks. Why am I on myspac3? Im 0n myspac3 to find fri3nds and the specail gurl. What I lo0k f0r in a gurl: Pr3tty, Int3llig3nt, 0utg0ing, g0od p3rs0nality, funni, c@n dr3ss, and r3sp3cts h3rs3lf.

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