HangOut/ChillOut, Movies, Tv/HomeVideo, Music, Emails, Surfing/ChattingOnline, Playstation. Online Games, Garage Sales/AntiqueStores, Singing/Karaoke, Arts and Culture, Eating, Sleeping, Travellling
Troy, Alexander, The Incredibles, LOTR Trilogy, Hide and Seek, National Treasure, Taxi, Meet The Parent/Fockers, Speed1-2, Touch of Pink, Home Fries, The Net, Meet Joe Black, Roadtrip, Underworld, You've Got Mail, Finding Nemo, Robots
Everythin' on HBO, Survivor, FearFactor, Wimbledon/US-Open, Sex and the City, Simple life, QueerEye, CSI, Dexter's Lab, MTV, Mr.Bean, Art Attack
Dont really read that much but if i do it would have to be either a techno or any lifestyle mag... maybe i should start reading a bit more..