Billy Zabka (aka Johnny from Karate Kid, Greg Tolan from Just one of the Guys) Hitler - I'd like a few words with him. Warren Buffet, Sheldon Adelstein, Meyer Lansky & Bugsy Siegel, The cast of the Wiggles, Michael Mann, Dylan -McCay & Bob. Bruce Springstein, Dave Mathews, Bradley Noel, Kurt Cobain, Marquis de Sade, Brett Easton Ellis, King David, Jesus, Muhamad Ali, Timothy Leary, Jim Morrison (not Val Kilmer playing him)Larry David, Tyler Durden, Richard Pryor, Members of the Warsaw Ghetto resistance, Sandy Koufax, Marx - Karl not Groucho. Dave Mathews, Jean Michelle Basqiat, Chagall, Tutenkahmen, Freud's mother, Jim Jones, David Koresh.....Kamikaze pilots (why do they wear helmets) all those at Mosada.