Welcome: I graciously thank you for finding the time and actually finding me to see what Im up to. Well, Im living life to it's limits. Im grasping every opportunity that comes my way to be better. To be a better person overall. Im far from perfect. But Im perfect to someone. I feel so gathered right now. I have been blessed in so many ways ya'll, it's ridiculous. I use to sit and ponder on my mistakes in private but now...now I literally take the good, the bad, the ugly and MAKE it good. I do this by accepting one fact and common denominator that we all share. We all begin at point A. We all end up at point Z. What makes each of us different is how we arrange the letters in between & just because my alphabet may not be the alphabet as you may know it, you're still gonna use the same letters that I have to choose from. I have so many goals and my heart has so many desires, sometimes I have to stop and say, "Chic, slow down. Z aint going nowhere!!" Lol. My passion is motorcycles. My life revolves around Christ and my family. And friends are hard to find when YOU don't know what one is. The songs on my page are a few of my favorites. I still like Biggie. I still listen to Mary. These are ones that actually get me thru my day. I listen to these songs daily. If you want to try something new, please. I urge you, bless your soul and spirit and listen to one of them. A gift from me to you. Keep your faith in someone. The ONLY one who can bail you out of ANYTHING. He'll take you broken, bruised and damaged. Catch is...you have to find Him before it's too late. I love you and if you need me, you know where to find me.----Crystal
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Praise Him Till Your Weave Fall Off