XclairebearX profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

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My Interests

dance, fashion,other cultures


R n B, hip hop, reggae and traditional chinese/japanese music


memoirs of a geisha,curse of the golden flower, crouching tiger hidden dragon, save the last dance, the notebook, 300, alvin and the chipmunks, the fast and the furious, step up 2


sex and the city, greys anatomy, veronica mars, that 70's show, wildfire


memoirs of a geisha, geisha of gion, autobiography of a geisha, empress orchid, the last empress


jess i see as family my big sister, she has such a huge heart and i love her to bits she is always there for me and is the most kind loving person i know. lee my oldest and dearest friend i owe a lot to this one, hes always been a constant i know he always will be. no matter how far apart i know well alwasy be friends. abby one of my closest friends i hold very dear to my heart shes alwasy frank and honest and is never cruel or unkind. and she can always make me smile. arnold i know there is no1 on this earth that is like him hes always happy and cheerful, theres nothing i can fault in him very caring and observant and always there to listen. sian she is so strong and full of character and drive she inspires me and is always there for me when im down. i can be myself around her and know ill always be accepted. lauren my lil scouser full of vibrancy and character. her smile lights up most rooms and i couldnt live without her! last but not least a character who is quite obscure but always has the ability to make me laugh and listens to me rattle on i dont know how you put up with me T