thinking, history, art, Marvel and DC,listening to music, writing, singing, attempting to play an instrament. I think i would like to get into pediatric medicine. Or just general physician. Though i thought about being a police officer, film director, or even a history teacher... Thats kind of up in the air.
Jesus Christ. Id like him and only him to answer some questions... To get the story straight from the horses mouth (excusing my phrase).YOUAdd me AIM-Hewhoisbored4 Yahoo-Hewhoisbored MSN- [email protected]
anything but rap.....
Ill watch just about anything... Im a real nerd about acting and the cinema. At one time i wanted to get into the movie business. Possibly as a director or something along that line; not sure about acting. If i did, it would be arty indie films, not some hollywood blockbuster ;-) Tho if they redo X-men, ill be first to sign up ;-)
i dont watch tv that much......
I love reading. Its one of the biggest stress relievers out there, to me anyway. I consider myself well read, but i dont know any good contemporary authors. My favorite book would have to be Jurassic Park. I loved the movie, and when i found out there was a book, I read it in 3 hours nonstop.
All my heroes are dead and gone. Most of them are dead, who lived thousands of years ago. My top 5 list of United States Presidents are as follows, (1) George Washington. I think he really got damn lucky. That guy was a pompous idiot! A slaveowning pothead. (he didnt smoke the hemp, he used it for his farm). He was a good leader not so much a Wellington or a Patton generalwise anyway... (2) Abe Lincoln. Poor Honest Abe... He was a manic depressive alcoholic with [Alleged] homosexual tendancies. but we loved him anyway. (3) Teddy Roosevelt. Teddy kicked ass, nuff said. (4) Franklin Delano Roosevelt. FDR was a pimp diplomacy wise. lol a weird metaphor.. Anyway, he was a humanitarian who gave aid to Europe while the Nazis were basically raping Europe. And i think if Japan hadnt have been such a dumbass and attacked us, half of Europe would be speaking German. I have no doubts we wouldve entered the war sooner or later, but i honestly think that by that time, the Luffwaffte wouldve bombed the hell out of London and had too much of a foothold in France, Belgum, and the Netherlands to give it up. Anyway he did more than WW2. He got the USA out of the Depression. Workers got their rights, and if Teddy wasnt so kick ass, hed be one spot up. (5) John Fitzgerald Kennedy. Did a lot for civils rights and tried to keep us out of Vietnam. Which we lost, but he died. It sucks... Damn mob/cubans/lone gunman theory...