Abstract Chaos - Myspace/Web Design profile picture

Abstract Chaos - Myspace/Web Design

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Name: Federico Bossinga
Age: 21
Interests: Music, Graphic Design, Video Games, Alcohol and Sex (haha)
Music: Well to be honest music represents everything to me in this life, I dare to say that music is makind's most important invention to date. I can't imagine a world without music, it would be a fucking nightmare!
Some of my influences/Favourite Bands: Zyklon, The Black Dahlia Murder, Emperor, Pantera, Dissection, Decapitated, Myrkskog, Vesania, Behemoth, Necrophagist, All Shall Perish, The Faceless, Biohazard, A.N.I.M.A.L among many others...
Religion: I always thought that religion was a synonym of blindness and hatred...I never understood the religious beliefs in people, I can't comprehend that way of thinking, it's so narrow and stupid...
Contact: [email protected] (msn/email)
Ad Infinitum: Feel free to check out my band's myspace profile: www.myspace.com/adinfinitumblackfolk (Black Metal/Folk with some progresive influences basically)

My Blog

Pestapocalypse VI

hey! well... im fucking tired right now, but I've good fucking news! Cannibal Corpse Will visit us on August! hails fuckers!
Posted by on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 06:42:00 GMT