In animals we call it a temperament, for example "My dog has a calm friendly temperament", in humans we call it a personality. I am afraid that personality is only warranted when a person is independently self aware and has the ability to make autonomous decisions using the conscious means of deduction. So from this point on I will not honor the Morons and idiots of the world with the term personality they are now animals with arrogant, willingly ingnorant to the point of stupidity, temperaments.
Well, it is over now. Like a tide-race, the waves of human mediocrity are rising to the heavens and will engulf this refuge, for I am opening the flood-gates myself, against my will. Ah! But my courage fails me, and my heart is sick within me! Take pity on the gully-slave of life who puts out to sea alone, in the night, beneath a firmament no longer lit by the consoling beacon-fires of the ancient hope!
Although the last survivor may proclaim himself universal Emperor, his reign will be brief and his subjects will all be corpses. With his death the uneasy episode of life will end, and the peaceful rocks will revolve unchanged until the sun explodes.