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Ballerino, coreografo, giudice ed insegnante di Hip Hop, lavora presso il Palafitness di Latina, dove è possibile frequentare la sua scuola, per fasce di età dai bambini agli adulti. Ha iniziato gli studi della danza Hip Hop all’età di 14 anni, continuando a coltivare questa passione in giro per tutta l’ Italia sotto la guida di insegnanti di notevole prestigio. Divenuto poi lui stesso insegnante, ha costellato la carriera di numerosi successi in Italia e all’estero,non ultimo partecipando al Campionato del Mondo svoltosi a Los Angeles,nell’Agosto 2005. Proprio lì,a Los Angeles, patria della cultura e della danza Hip Hop,ha potuto misurarsi e studiare con coreografi e ballerini famosissimi quali Dave Scott e Shane Sparks coreografi del film Street Dance Fighter, Wade Robson autore di innumerevoli video di Usher e Britney Spears, Courteney Miller coreografo di Michael Jackson, solo per citarne alcuni. Maggiori info su: SOLD OUT HIP HOP SCHOOL

My Interests

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Dancer, choreographer, judge and teacher of Hip Hop, he has begun the studies of the Hip Hop dance at the age of 14 years, continuing to cultivate this passion in turn for all Italy under the leadership of teachers of notable prestige. Become then he same teacher, has studed the career of numerous successes in Italy and abroad, don't complete taking part in the championship of the world to Los Angeles, in the august 2005. One's own there, to Los Angeles, country of the culture and of the Hip Hop dance, has been able to be measured and study with choreographers and dancers famous that Dave Scott and Shane Sparks choreographers of the Street Dance Fighter, Wade Robson author of innumerable video of Usher and Britney Spears, Courteney Miller choreographer of Michael Jackson, only to quote from it some. INFO: SOLD OUT HIP HOP SCHOOL

My Blog

Grazie Kris!!! GRAZIE MILLE
Posted by on Mon, 10 Nov 2008 05:19:00 GMT

Hip Hop Dance Culture

Talk to hip hop dance culture......
Posted by on Thu, 22 Mar 2007 15:37:00 GMT