Music, mainly. Just you wait until I start going on and on about it. You'll like me even better when I start acting all superior as if I have better taste in music than you... ...which I do.
ummm, I'll get back to you on this one...
Deadwing-banner + page design by the awesome Kit!
Porcupine Tree, Van der Graaf Generator, Symphony X, Spock's Beard, Savatage, Loreena McKennitt, Pain of Salvation, Opeth, Blackfield, Crash Test Dummies, The Flower Kings, A.C.T, No-Man (I can not believe they shortened down the best band name in the world to just No-Man), Fruupp... I could go on, but I won't, I've probably already forgotten some of my very favourite bands and my friends will mock me endlessly for it.
As you may have figured out I tend to like progressive stuff. But I listen to a lot of different types of rock and metal, I like a lot of pop stuff, some blues, some jazz, some folk, classical stuff. My uncle raised me on reggae (there's just no other genre with that kind of rhythm!) so that's an important one for me. And I'm very fond of singer/songwriters of different kinds. I like the old, traditional, Swedish ones as well as the typically straight-forward "my-lyrics-have-deep-and-profound-
meanings-and-I-hide-political-messages-in-my-songs"-type and the modern oddities...
I'm a sucker for pianists so if you want to impress me just play me some Satie or Debussy. Drummers as well - as long as they're not overly fond of the double bass drum stuff... (:-) If you'd like you can sing me some Italian opera too... or Italian prog. (just make sure you do it well)
My favourite films tend to change a lot... Ask me some time.
HEROES!!! Gilmore Girls, The Simpsons, Midsomer Murders.
As a kid my three favourite shows were MacGyver, A-Team and Airwolf. Despite this, I wasn't as violent as one could think. Though I could beat the crap out of most boys my age when I was in kindergarten.
I have an odd fondness for German and Austrian action/police shows. I'm not sure how that came to be... or if it's healthy.
It's difficult to find a pattern in my reading habits. I love Jane Austen, but on the other hand I can get really excited about a new 'Alex Cross'-book by James Patterson. I still love Astrid Lindgren and Maria Gripe even though I'm supposedly too old for their books now. But at the same time I'm quite fond of Åke Edwardsson's style, and I recently fell in love with Hjalmar Söderberg.
But if given the chance to go to Hogwarts, I'd leave all my friends and family behind and start a new life as a witch. I'd bring my guitar and my CD/record-collection though.
I realise that there are tons of heroes in the world and those I know of I do admire, but I'll devote this text to heroes that just brighten up my every day.
My grandfather, first and foremost. This is the man who at the age of (approx.) 82 replied to his then 78-yearold wife when she complained that she was "starting to get old" that: "You HAVE been for a LONG time!" and later bragged that he "almost got some action" down at the bank when an elderly woman asked him if he was alone (as in single, I would assume). He also horrified my grandmother once by telling me not to be bothered about my weight since "the women with a little something to grab are the best ones". At that point she shrieked "WHAT are you saying to your GRANDDAUGHTER?!" and I laughed for about five minutes.
Other heroes include: Steven Wilson, Peter Hammill, Morgan Freeman, George Carlin, MacGyver (don't you dare tell me he's not real!!!), my brother and my wonderful mother, David Letterman, Loreena McKennitt and many more...
I have to mention Kit as well, I sure didn't have such great taste in music when I was 16 (well, she's 17 now)... And she helped me make this page black and teal, which is great. (;-)