brutiful started out in late, late, late 2006 under a different name and became a cybergrind band overnight, until february when andrew joined the group (guitarist 1). a few songs were produced, and andrew dropped out. another andrew (guitarist 2!) joined the group a while after, and then quit as well.
a few more guitarists in between, who’s names have been forgotten with time, and finally taylor (guitarist 4!) joined the group doing guitar. again, a few songs were produced, not much was done.
taylor dropped out. soon after, stefan, from germany, joined the crew under guitar (5!) and took the band to the next level. these were the last recordings ever made under the brutiful name and the group called if quits officially sometime in pre-summer of 2007.
official members over time: chris, andrew m, andrew w, taylor, stefan, shannon, claw, clow, johnston rice, benny market and jon masofarksun.
the only way to get any of the songs are to find someone who HAS the songs already, as none of the members actually kept any of the abysmal shit they created.