Melbourne. Nature. Nostalgia. Buildings. Guitar. Beach. Summer. Partying. Fun. Going out. Money. Late night party people. Friends. Casinos. Hotels. Expensive hotels. Expensive things. Spring Carnival. Poker. The beach at night. Melbourne forever. Bars. Beer. Fine foods. Fine beers. BBQ's. Road trips. Young Fashionistas. Boutique shops/bars/lounges. Fun people. Culture. Foreign languages and styles. Women with real french accents (not french/canadian). Expensive Asian/Italian restaurants. Disco dancing. Bars. Clubs. Pubs. Lobbies. Lounges. Leather couches. Police Stations. Memories. Autobiographies. The Dictionary. Health. University. Architecture. Travel. Money. Sex. Notepads without lines. Nice black pens. Tight jeans. Chuck Taylors low-rise in canvas. Dirty shoes. Nakedness. Sleeping naked. Watching DVD's in bed naked. Shopping for snacks. Poker. Monopoly. New years eve. Christmas. Presents. Birthdays. Friends birthdays. Chilling at Downseys. Chilling at Grova's. Jacuzzi's. Stand up comedy. Sleeping. Napping. All matters of "Snooze town" abide. Team LD. Meeting new people. Going on adventures. Being out of my comfort zone. Avacado on toast. A really nice pasta. Lying in the sun. Watching movies. Robots. Nostalgia. Denim. The colours green and orange together. Calums Mullet. Downseys stand-still shuffle. Grovers "treat ém mean, keep ém keen" approach. Nicko's bartending skillz. Obies melbourne shuffle. Aaryns drunk talk. Brentons missus...haha. House. Wildboyz.
Late night party people.
ask me.
ask me.
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ask me.
John Cusack
Jason Lee
(in all of Kevin Smith's movies but in particular, his character Brodie Bruce in "Mallrats")