Art, music, film, laughter, and everything else that's fun.
people who reinforce my wholesome goodness
Fight Club, Godfather 1 & 2, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Donnie Darko, The Devil's Advocate, The Exorcist, The Elephant Man, Frailty, The Silence of the Lambs,The Shining, Unbreakable, The Sixth Sense, The Village, The Innocents, The Others, Good Fellas, Casino, The 1st Matrix, Crash, The Empire Strikes Back, The Ring, Sin City, A Clockwork Orange, The Excorcism of Emily Rose, The Good Shepherd, Memento, Metropolis, Network, The Usual Suspects, Seven, American History X, Primal Fear, Scream of Fear, V for Vendetta, Zodiac, Vertigo, Mr. Brooks, Fight Club is worth mentioning again, and plenty others that are left unseen.
I like to watch tv as it falls out of a window and crashes down into some asshole's face. Other than that, I really like Wonder Showzen (thanks Chase), classic Twilight Zone episodes and I enjoy watching documentaries.
Fiction and reference.
People who take Life's bullshit and make bullshit juice.