Heres a little background about me: A superstar born and raised in Saigon, Vietnam. Went to the states at the age of 5 in order to get my game on. From there, my life has mainly been here in the bay area, where things go 18 dummy and hyphy yadamean? Learned more things from the streets than anything you can know about. Believe me, life wasn't easy for me and my folks but we made it just fine. I plan to continue the legacy of my bloodline and work hard in order to make life better and more enjoyable for myself and for those around me. If you've hung around me, you know I'm a fun,outgoing,down to earth guy who tells it like it is and whose not going to stand for posers, fakes, dumbasses or low lifes who do nothing but waste my time and the time of my friends/crew. Big shout outs to my family, friends, and everyone who has made a beneficial influence towards my life. In the end, its not about the quantity of people you have around you but the loyal qualities that each friend has through the toughest, most extreme situations that makes them wonderful.