Snowboarding, wakeboarding, music, boobs, skateboarding, riding my 50, thong underwear, rich older women, or rich young women, laughing, dinner with friends, monkeys, Pong, midgets.... and on and on...
light hearted people who are looking to have good times and like to laugh, shred some snow, slash some dirt, or even do some monkey flips off a wake.
Rufio, Thrice, Dashboard, Saves the Day, Johnny Cash, Taking Back Sunday, Bright Eyes, Thursday, Keepsake, Vandals, Get up Kids, Boy Sets Fire, Modest Mouse, and some Hip Hop shit like, Pharcyde, Black Sheep, Black Eyed Peas, Methodman... ... A little of everything
Most movies with Jason Lee, RAD, thrashin, Gleaming the Cube, and a lot of Comedies. Joe Dirt, Mall Rats, Van Wilder, whatever...
My Name is Earl and Ultimate Fighter
P3 and Tony Hawk autobiography
Crew Jones