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I'm just doing the best I can, with what I got. Sounds like a song. I AM METIS-LET ME SING FOR YOU, Hey Yah all MY RELATIONS I AM METIS, CAN YOU SEE ME? I AM HERE, SEE ME BREATH. I AM HERE AND I AM METIS. PROUD TO BE METIS YEAH.I think that focusing on the areas we all have personally to improve on is a good past time...finding out what makes you laugh in life, and laugh often. A smile deeply felt and sincerely meant. Unexpected acts of kindness go a very long way. I am proud of my Metis Heritage, being a mixed blood has to be the only way to go.....for me, I would have it no other way. PROUD TO BE ANISHIINABEKWE-METIS. I sincerely believe my native relations have much to contribute to the world we live in today. Though there are many struggles we have to overcome, and the present governing system refuses to hear our voices, I believe in my heart that one day....they will listen.