All those of Negroe and Indian descent scattered throughout the Americas and the world are in truth THE 12 TRIBES OF THE NATION OF ISRAEL.The Holy Bible prophesies we would go into slavery for breaking the first Covenant and we did. The Messiah came and sacrificed his life for us,renewing the promises and blessing us with The New Covenant according to Hebrews 8:8-10. In our repentance and returning to YHWH as Israel we must be at peace with all men according to Romans 12:18 and sincerely love one another. "Hereby shall men know you are my disciples if you have LOVE one to another."-John 13:35 We are all members of Messiah,he is the vine and we are the branches. What seperates us one from another? Hatred. for example "you don't speak hebrew like me? I hate you" "you don't agree with my scripture breakdown? I hate you." "you not in my camp? I hate you." Brothers and Sisters no matter how you sugar coat it-hate is hate, and those works of the flesh-Galatians 5:19-21 will have you cast out the kingdom of heaven on Earth. Let's correct it while we have time. Click this link to visit our websiteISRAEL UNITED IN CHRIST
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We need some real Israelite music, the Psalms especially,but I really do love Whitney Houston.
We are currently in search of a SPONSOR to HELP us get this Truth out on a National level, that includes all forms of media including major television networks. Pray for us, our vision is big and we are small but we believe that all things are possible
Finally we have a DAILY RADIO PROGRAM you can log into and hear the inspired word of YHWH. Click this link so you can hear "ISRAEL UNITED IN CHRIST" To see us teach live on video click this link and visit us on "YOUTUBE.COM"
1-"The Holy Bible" 2-"The Apocrypha" 3-"The Complete works of Josephus" 4- "UNDERSTANDEST THOU,WHAT THOU READEST? A PICTORIAL OF BIBLE SECRETS" CLICK THE LINK TO ORDER
CHRIST the Messiah,Joshua, Moses,Nehemiah,Mordechai,Zerubabel,Daniel and the apostle Paul. BUT HEY,GUESS WHAT?? There are a lot of female Heroes I love too;like Shiprah and Puah,Miriam,Hadassah,Deborah,Huldah,Judith and Phebe just to name a few. LOL,...Don't sleep brothers.