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Jewel Lee

I am here for Friends

About Me

(Thanks to my sweet, funny, & long-time friend, Ree Ree! I jacked it from your page, k?)

My Best Friend, My Teacher, My Partner in Crime and My Partner in Life! Robert & Julie
"Good friends, good books and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life." ~Mark Twain
I am younger than my years, undyingly loyal and committed to people and ideas, even if that may not be in my best interest. I am (or have been) a mother, a daughter, a wife, a lover, a partner, a friend, an activist, an educator and a subversive. I have been told that I’m one or all of the following: Creative, talented, obsessed, compulsive, eccentric, eclectic, compassionate, a pushover, a sweetheart, gullible, brilliant, ignorant, naïve, trusting, cynical, eternally optimistic, occasionally immature or far too serious about certain things.
I am a homeowner in a modest, working class part of eastern Los Angeles and share it with a few pups and kitties. I’ve gone to school forever and earned a BA in Social Science, an MS in Counseling, various Credentials and an MA in Cultural Anthropology because I wanted to be an anthropologist more than anything. I even WAS one not so long ago, teaching courses part time at various colleges in Southern California. But alas... the blow-hards in Sacramento, with all their infinite wisdom decided Anthropology wasn't worthy of study for some reason. I then became a big fat budget cut! (sucks!) Good thing I "didn't quit my day job" as the story goes.
I've taught for 20 years, the past twelve in East L.A teaching high school kids with special needs. I was a art/woodshop teacher (the only female in the second largest district in the country! Cool!) up until this year when the blow-hards from somewhere decided with all their infinite wisdom that that class was no longer a priority. (Very uncool!) Instead, I was manipulaed into facilitating some new $34,000 vocational assessment lab. Now...somehow, it's a little harder to get up in the morning. (YOUR tax dollars hard at work, people, and something the principal can boast about to visitors...Oh yes! Puppetry is a total blast, especially when you're the puppet. yawn...) The kids mean the world to me however, and I'm committed to them no matter what. They and the many close friends I've made among my colleagues, still make it a great place to be and a cool way to make a living, so I'm not planning on going anywhere. I will make this new program into something I will enjoy, but more importantly, into something the kids can benefit from. Therein lies the tremendous challenge however. Not to worry! I've kicked ass before; I can do it again!
I love making crap and indulging in a myriad of creative endeavors. ~ The anything crafty, messy, experimental, make-it-up-as-I-go-along and/or requiring several band-aids for my injuries, kind of creative endeavors... These are coolest! My hot glue gun blisters, drill bit stab wound scars and semi-permanent Sharpie ink stains are worn with the greatest of pride. I also love to write, am continually messing around with this damn myspace page and I will embellish everything from tee shirts to table tops.
Other than that, I enjoy kickin' it with a few close friends, throwing back a few at a bar-b-que or dingy bar. I love music and like going to check out a local band at some little dive or seeing a full-blown stadium show. (borrowed from cool Jules' page. Thanks!)
Other "vitals": Well, I've been divorced for several years, have a wonderful daughter and son-in-law and three incredible grand children, whom I don't get to see every day cuz they live in Oregon which might as well be Syberia cuz it seems like it. They are the loves of my life and the joy in my heart. My incredible daughter, Sydney & my granddaughter Maddie
One last thing: I adore animals, especially my own,and hope to free up some time in order to volunteer at the SPCA. Please note, in my humble opinion: Anyone who harms, neglects or exploits animals, in any way, is the worst type of human being, right up there with pedophiles and some politicians. This goes the same for any abusers of children, or the elderly or disabled. (Pardon my French, but...) to those people: "go fucken pick on someone your own size you cowardly asshole and get the fuck off my page!".
With that off my chest...I'd only like to add that age has brought wisdom, but the more I know the more I realize I don't know. Learning and experience will be a lifelong endeavor because "There's only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self." ~Aldous Huxley

My Interests

I'd like to meet:


~This is, undoubtedly, the most incredibly gorgeous man who has ever lived, is living now, or is ever likely to live in the future!

created all of this or someone who could
get me off of the agnostic fence once and for all!

~ As a kid, I believed. As a graduate student, I was a hard-core atheist, but as I've lived incredible experiences with Nature (some quite "spiritual") I've just got a million questions! ~...But then again. the words of "Mickey", Woody Allen's neurotic character in "Hannah and Her Sisters", actually make more sense. He said something to the effect of, ..."Even if the worst is true, even if there is no God and we only go around once, wouldn't you rather be part of the experience? After all, it isn't all bad. So why waste the limited time we have looking for answers to questions that we are NEVER EVER going to get answered?" Pretty sound advice. I would only add that living by the "Golden Rule" is probably good practice; do good things for others, have compassion and be the best person you can be, because you firmly believe in the ideal, NOT because you're trying to earn an entry ticket to heaven. See? Profound yet simple and maybe the world would be a much more peaceful and loving place to be.
AND LAYNE STALEY ~"I've seen the needle and the damage done.
A little part of it in everyone"~Neil Young ~ To say I'm so sorry that that sh*t beat them in the end. For their own sakes, the sakes of their families, friends and loved ones and the countless fans worldwide, I wish you all were stronger from the very beginning. It is an inconceivable waste of genuine talent, profound, moving and important words and music which will never be heard, felt or enjoyed by anyone ever again and we were all robbed and cheated by your deaths, or suicides or murders, depending on which perspective one chooses take.

Exene Cervenka

Rags & bones & battered shoes...


~ To shake his hand and tell him what an inspiration he has been for so many people.


~ Not that he would even care, but I'd like to apologize to him because I used to think he was a huge, self-marketed, joke motivated by money to enchant kids and enrage parents, who was just a normal, greedy bastard in his real life. After seeing a few interviews and reading a few articles, he is undoubtedly one of the most articulate, intelligent, insiteful, compassionate, well-read and funny individuals I've had the pleasure of learning about in a long time.

ALEJANDRO AVILA & other pathetic sickos like him

~ I'm a peace-loving, left wing liberal, hippy type tree hugger who's against the death penalty and normally believes in rehabilitation. Maybe this isn't the proper place for what I'm about to say, but...I've got to let it out. I'd want to meet this pig just long enough so I could spit in his F-ing, sick, twisted, perverted, pedophile face and then let someone else castrate the bastard with a dull meat cleaver only AFTER he gets butt raped for hours by some guy the size of Shaquille O'Neal. Even if this sadistic day dream were real it would never, ever come close to the pain and heartache he caused for beautiful, innocent, little 5 yr. old Samantha Runnion and her family.
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~ Cuz he's way, way, WAY hot !More importantly, he has lived a lot of life and has overcome a lot of obstacles that others have been unable to beat. His and the whole band's, song writing is, to me, so damn heartfelt and soulful which is why Social Distortion rocks my little world.
Learn more about Mike Ness at .


"Well behaved women rarely make history" describes this heroine perfectly!She is cofounder and president of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, the largest animal rights organization in the world. PETA has exposed horrific cruelty in animal laboratories, leading to canceled funding, closed facilities, and hundreds of charges filed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture; closed the largest horse-slaughtering operation in North America; convinced dozens of designers to stop using fur; cleaned up substandard animal shelters; helped schools find alternatives to dissection; provided information on vegetarianism, companion animal care, and countless other issues to millions of people.

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