Laura profile picture


looking into the unknown unparalyzed

About Me

i am me...forever going, forever trying to get things done. i want to be significant. i want to be connected with people who are making a huge change in this world. i want to connect people to others who would help them become better people. i want to help people see their pontential. I want to see people care about the world around them. I want to see people come into relationship with Jesus Christ. I want all religousity to leave. I want all fakeness to be gone. I want perfection to come and using candi's terms; i want to stop this haunting inside my soul. I want it to be fulfilled. i want to be fulfilled by always giving my life away. i want the selfishness inside my soul to be gone. i want to always have a desire inside of me to serve. i want to finally come to a final relization that it is not about me. i want to find healing in loving. i want to help people realize that even if they are tired, they should still serve. i want to see God push people into his realm and have them understand his heart for their lives and his constant pursuit after humanity.Layout Provided By - Myspace Layouts

My Interests

people. conversation. love. music. art. creativity. passion. perfection. the end.

I'd like to meet:

Everyone..I love people. Most of all I would like to meet a community of people who are interested in movement around the world. I want to meet people who need others and need something outside themselves. I want to meet people who are interested in things other than mudane and complacent things. I want to meet people who are truely alive. I want to meet people who are willing to invest and be invested in. I love teachable people and people who like to teach. I want to meet people with different interests.


hmmmmmmmm Candi and Jonathan Shelton, Muse, Mae, Drew Kellems, Mariah McManus, Prague, David Crowder, Imogen Heap, Emily Hollister, Mariah Carey, Justin Timberlake, Elvis, Beastie Boys, Beach Boys.Music that inspires the heart and mind to be challenged. Local singer/song writers who are trying to change culture with their music. The end. for real.


Elf. Little Mermaid. Oceans 12. Oceans 11. Jack the Bear. Documentaries. Big Mama's House.


ummmmmmmm Heroes. Thats its. The end.


Barbian Way. Unstoppable Force. Good to great. The art of innovation.


.Jesus Christ, Mom and Dad, Sister Katus, Emily Hollister, Misty Stewartus, Erwin McManus.My friends who are giving up all they have and takings risks: Manda, Drew Way, Dave Wilso, Anna E, Bethy Bop, Angela, Lindsey, C and J.Alice Gates, I love her because no matter where I am at she will always call me and ask me, "how are you changing the world." i love her A LOT!

My Blog


there are things about people that may hurt you. there are also things about people that you may be attracted to.  you have to place your emotions and choose how you react to them in a healt...
Posted by Laura on Sat, 05 May 2007 08:47:00 PST

missing my past and dealing with it.

So I was looking at a friends profile today when I discovered something. I really miss my past. I remember being in college and life being so different. My freshman year of college was the most ama...
Posted by Laura on Thu, 03 May 2007 04:34:00 PST

Welcome to....

Welcome to:me, the girl who loves to laugh yet is usually always in her head thinking about the person next to her.  to my heart that is unbalanced yet satisfied, to my prayer of wanting only to ...
Posted by Laura on Fri, 20 Apr 2007 12:14:00 PST

To be Captivated by Beauty

I am reminded today that I want to be captivated by nothing but truth and beauty. These are things that bring life.  When our hearts wander to be focused on ourselves, our lives become unsatisfie...
Posted by Laura on Fri, 20 Apr 2007 08:49:00 PST

had a dream you were in last night

I wrote that as the subject because I just had a friend text me that. So anyways I was at the gym today talking to my trainer and joking around and realized something. Again and again, I have never ...
Posted by Laura on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 10:15:00 PST

randomness to say the least.

Random thoughts maybe they flow, maybe they don't. I understand though and so does He who hears me best.There are moments when you see a person, you understand them, you see there hurt and you want n...
Posted by Laura on Wed, 04 Apr 2007 10:20:00 PST

chi town day 1 :)

So last night I got in and ryan picked me up. We went to BLend which is AMAZING. If you don't know what blend is Johan started it and it's incredible!!!Maureen, Ryan and I hung out there for couple o...
Posted by Laura on Sat, 31 Mar 2007 08:22:00 PST

My life is AMAZING

So, I keep on saying this to everyone around me but I can't tell each of you how much I love my life.  So I am starting a list of why I love my life 1.  I have hope to live each day with th...
Posted by Laura on Thu, 29 Mar 2007 11:57:00 PST

looking towards to the future

I want nothing more than to understand how to listen to people, hear their stories and understand where they are coming from. I want to care about the world because I know that this is the only satis...
Posted by Laura on Sat, 24 Mar 2007 11:32:00 PST


1. Demi is putting me on a new food plan2. I am going to stick to the food plan that she is putting me on.3. I just got a personal traininer4. I am going to LISTEN to the trainer5. I am going to train...
Posted by Laura on Fri, 16 Mar 2007 09:08:00 PST