WestCoast Coyotes is a team of modern heroes, better known as Vigilantes, taking the law under their own hands. They figth and apprehend all of the rapist,maniacs,child molesters,drug lords,thieves and terrorist in the city of Los Angeles. the WCC soldiers are ex-cons who have joined this click to turn their lives around by saving the innocent. Their uniforms consist of 1980 Mexican gang attire,five pocket bullet proof vest, combine with state prison wardrobe and a face mask depicting Aztec symbols.The WestCoast Coyotes are connected with attorneys,doctors,teacher,undercover cops,federal agents,DEA,and the government. All of these individuals are informants for the WCC.They use every weapon that is available to them, they ride in custum made low rider cars from the 1940 to present. They have a hide out where they meet with their boss and plan all of the hits.This screenplaycould be a feature film with sequels and/or to be made into one hour episodes for cable TV.Future plans that could come out of this screenplay:
1. Film
2. Episodes
3. Action video games
4. Animation cartoons
5. Comic books
6. Toy action figuresThe most important thing of this project is setting an example for the new gang generation. hopefully steering them into helping others rather than committing crimes.This film is full of action,suspense,drama,horror,sex,drugs,crime,art,music,speci
al effects,custom cars,sexy woman,bikes,ect.These action heroes with the right marketing and distribution will blow up all over the world. just like Batman,Superman,Fantastic four and Spiderman.The WestCoast Coyotes created,produced and directed by
Samuel Macias R.Copyright of Zman Productions/Samuel Macias R.The EPK contains a WCC trailer on DVD,pictures,postcards,and poster samples.If you need further information and/or need to contact me,
please email at
[email protected] you for taking the time to view the trailer.