D3M@Y@ >> G3T OV@ YO S3LF CU$ 1 AM profile picture

D3M@Y@ >> G3T OV@ YO S3LF CU$ 1 AM


About Me

Hay my name is DeMaya Moneit' Turner i go to Pinetree im goin to be a freshman next year...i do play sports i play basketball i run track and i play volleyball i good and skool..i like to shop talk on the phone like any otha gurl i like to just live my life cus i neva know wen i want be here no mo...well i only hang wit 3 people the most realist females of them all which is Ebony Jones yea we had a problems at the beginig of the year but i still luv ha we stop listen to wat hattin females had to say and we finally became cool i notice that she was real and i luv ha so much 4 always takin the time out of her day to listen to me and my problems but i luv u so much ebony aka cup cake...the next person is teaira dunn i luv ha so much to we have been friends for 8 years and she has been there wen i needed her the most yea like any otha true friends we have had our ups and downs to but no matta wat we still r friends and cant nobody nobody stop our friendship cus i got to much luv 4 ha and thats how i feel about the situation...last but not least i learn to trust quiesha miles yea we went threw it ova the most dumbest thing that u can think of but as we went threw those time all i could think of was our friendship...luv ya quiesha...This year i learned that u cant trust alot of females cus they messy and yea i know i have been messy at once apon of time but this females and pt u just cant trust thats y i just keep my head up and i worry bout my future and wat my mama taught me which that is dont trust no nigga and no female which i dont the only person i trust and i know i can talk to is my mama sometimes..my sis sometimes and those 3 females i put on my friend list i learned that sometimes u just got to leave it into god hands cus this year aint no female goin put me down ill just leave it into god hands cus i dont want to end up leavin this world wondering wat could have happend if i just have left it into god hands but okay if i didnt mention yo name in the situation i learned u was a fake female r we havent been friends 4 a long time so sorry if u think that is disrespectful but yea thats how i live it up in PINETREE..

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YeA I wAs LoOKiN gOOd At ThE hOllaND qUARters...me goin to my grannys....i look gooooooood dont i....im cute aint i just so adorable.....ima be a swimsuit model...


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