Yeah thats me!
My names Kristina
everyone normally calls me Kristi
Sixteen <3
I blow out my candle on December 11.
I go 2 DBHS
its ok for the most part .
His name is Ryan.
we have been through a lot of things.
I dont know what it is about him but i cant stop loving him!
He has been there through everything.
His mom is the greatest. Just sayin!
I love him with all my heart!
He claims he loves me more but i dont think so!
My bestie for life is:
Kryssena Irene Cron
she is always there for me and im always there for her!
We fight like no other.
and we sometimes get on each others nerves
but u know she will always be my best friend and my sister!
Craig Allen Rowe
my big brother!!!
he is always there and the greatest i could ever have!
My parents
Whats there to say other than the have been there through all the break ups, mess ups, and little boo boos.
Me and my mom are kind of close.
we act just like each other.
which means we fight cause we r so alike.
Me and my dad are ike identical.
i am like picked out of his butt.. lol
My grandparents:
wow lets just say that there are always there when i need them.
idk wat this world would be with thought my mamaw.
she is like my advice giver and my rock.
My papaws is the most understanding person.
My uncle Ryan:
Omg he is like another dad to me.
im like a lot like him.
we love the same things.
i can always go to him when i need him.
My sister:
she is like my ownn kid.
I love her so much.
lets just say that we r close and will always be.
Im a Band Geek.
Dont judge me!
I am a colorgaurd member!
Go Coal Grove Hornet Band of Pride.
I am a national baton twirling champion..
Heck yes
I twirl and dance for Cyndi.."s Studio
its great
Cyndi and Teresa are my rocks who have taught me everything.
O yeah cant forget Kelli.
she has been there from the start.
i am addicted 2 listening 2 music, taco bell, and iced coffee.
O yeah cant forget texting.
u can probably call me the queen of texting.
i think i text over 800 a day.. give or take.
I did drive a nice little Honda Civic but
i totaled it!
yeah i miss it a lot!!! =(
i was close to my car. Dont ask
well anything else just ask!
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