EVERSHOLT ST NW1 - CoCo R.I.P Do'reen (Soul II Soul) & Mr . Kennedy.....LIFE PRODUCTIONS ..aka Paul LIFE. The early years of Freakstreet Records.
Outgrowing the North of London and migrating South of da river to link up with TOTO Productions, taking raving to another level and beginning to dabble in the art of MIDI and ATARI ST with Cubase at TRINITY STUDIOS King's Cross, with early collaborations at the dawn of the House & Garage movement in London, the skills of the DJ Producer/Sound Engineer began to take serious shape, partnering with DJ Face, and honing the production and mixing skills in such fine establishments as METAMORPHOSIS STUDIOS (Big Up RonTom, Professor Stretch)All Saints Rd and MATRIX STUDIOS London in the early 90's. An exciting time, with the emergence of Gabrielle (Dreams), Don-E (Love Makes The World Go Round) and of course the conception of All Saints 1975...now just All Saints.
Mr. Waterhouse..named by bredren back in the 'Dark North London Years' after a certain place in Jamaica,(wonder why?;)) known for his military precision, infinite skills, ability and deadly dark side progesses on to reach a true pinnacle in the art of underground music production with classic club works such as Gone Clear /Electric Mistress (Strictly Rhythm) & Century Falls (MCA) with Crispin J.Glover as session musician and engineer at the PWA STUDIOS in Acre Lane Brixton where such artists as Marshall Jefferson, Courtney Buchanan (KINGDOM COME - ALBUM), Son Of Noise, Jake Knights, Don Ricardo (BEST FRIENDS), Ricky Ranking (http://www.mapmusic.net/rankin.html) & PWA have all been mixed and recorded. Works with Eric Dial (RAZE) creating Dial E 4 Effect (Thats How My Heart Sings) on Ascension Records (Caspar Pound's old label) & Leo Young (Frozen Yoghurt /From Russia with Funk)
Across the Atlantic other collaborations with Ele-Jai in Washington DC, Althea Mc Queen, Philip Ramerez and Marco Berry "Fantasy"-(Daily Lives-BLACK BALL RECORDS- New York) and Greg Cuoco's Aqua-Booty.
Continuing on with the DJ extraordinaire to Iconic gigs such as 'The Boat Party @ Temple Pier' and the Sunday evening sessions @ Aquarium(Old Street), the true essence of the REAL UK UNDERGROUND garage movement brings forth further works with DJ's such as Frankie Foncett, Mickey Simms, Danny Morales, Ron Trent, Dana Down & Jeremy Newall, Ramsey & Fen, Colour Girl, MC Creed, Andrea Mendez (Diva 5) and Dominic Spreadlove of STONESTHROW STUDIOS Brick Lane. GOTTA MENTION -- Alan Miller's HOUSE OF VIBE And Last but not least, LITTLE SOD RECORDS.
21st Century Sounds - The Birth of of "The Eclectic" and the name of Waterhouse Productions - New Label. Bringing the fresh sounds of the finest in raw ghetto talent. Flexin' the old with the new, and the yet to come.