I like Stuff thats COOL!
DRUM N BASS!!! well most electronic music! most of my favorite DJs are friends of mine:) I also like Black Sabbath , AC/DC, Metallica, Led Zeppelin , Tommy and The Who, Jimmi Hendix, The Doors, The Beatles, Duran Duran, Missing Persons, FallOut Boy,Hawthorne Heights,30 seconds to mars, Kelly Clarkson, Justin Timberlake, The Beat Nuts, Black Eyed Peas, Tribe Called Quest, Farside, Eminem, Jay Z, Hindu Devotional, vedic Chants, anything Tribal, and anything with Drums! i like other stuff too but im bored of this already.
HALLOWEEN MICHAEL MYERS IS MY HERO!!!!!!!! Also Love the Movie GUMMO!!! House of a thousand Corpses, Devils Rejects, Lord of the rings Series both the movies and Cartoons, I like Films from India, Most Drew Barrymore Movies, CARNIVAL its not really a movie more of a short lived Television Series so i guess its like a movie BUT ITS MY FAVORITE SHOW EVER.
I dont really watch a whole lot of TV but when i do I like The Office, The Simple life, Little people Big World(I have an unhealthy obsession with the wee folk),real world road rules challenge, othe then that I pretty much Despise telelvision!
I dont read cause I get bored easy.
LORD SHIVA! and The King Himself GODZILLA! other then that I am my own Hero!