Reading anything! Any martial art, but I love Kung Fu, drinking cha (2nd tone!)
Create your own Scratch Ticket
Create your own 8 Ball
I'd like to meet a REAL NINJA and/or a JEDI! and I wouldn't mind kickin it with the good ol' George W.Thats right! I said it. I'm proud to be an American. I support my troops!!
I love so much music, but I am a country girl. Gimme some Willie Nelson! I have been on a Scissor Sisters kick lately and thanks to my friend Steve, I've been listening to Springbok Nude Girls, a South African band that rocks my socks. They're really good, you should check 'em out. And Chinese Folk Music!!! Su Yang!Check him out too! He's soooo good!Remember more than just Americans make music! Yes, There are other countries out there. Get a damn passport!
The Godfather....I would have been amazing in the MAFIA. My favorite movie of all time is Boondock Saints, followed closely by anything Will Ferral's in!!! That's how I roll....
I like House, and I'm a big fan of Heros. 2 episodes left!!!! Whatever will happen?!
If I have a passion for anything, its the written word. People have forgotten to read and soon it will be a dying art. I love any and all books because I feel its the last proof of independant thought. Anything by C.S. Lewis, but Till We Have Faces is my fav!
People who try to be a little bit better everyday and everyone who is proud of and serves our country!!!!!...