I have a passion for the concept of the healing powers of water. I believe water is our most valuable resource on the planet and we need to focus all of our love and gratitude towards water. I became very ill with a renal disease about 5 years ago. At that time I was drinking virtually no water. I thought I was getting the water my body needed in other beverages, boy was I mistaken! My whole life changed when I was blessed with a gravity water purifier and a hexagoanl microcluster water device.
Hexagonal microcluter water changed my life! For the past five years I have spent most of my free time researching anything I could find on the subject of water. I have read many books by Dr. Batmanghelidj, maybe you have heard of his work, he has proven that almost every disease that people suffer from today can be linked to chronic cellular dehydration. Unfortunately Dr. B passed away a couple of years ago, so the world needs people to carry on his vision, a world where people are healed with water rather than with drugs.
"You're not sick; you're thirsty. Don't treat thirst with medication." Dr. F. Batmanghelidj
I am currently working on forming a non profit foundation that will focus on educating children and adults on the value and benefits of water. Another part of my vision is to share Dr. Emoto's amazing discovery of how written words, spoken words, pictures, and music have a dramatic effect on our world. We are currently working on putting together a multimedia educational program for children in elementary schools, where each student will receive a copy of Dr. Emoto's new Message from Water book for children.
We are living in an exciting time, a time when we will start to understand the true power of water. We are going to require all the help we can get with our mission, if you would like to help in any way, please feel free to write us, or if you have a personal experience how water changed your life, we would love to hear from you.
"HADO creates words. Words are the vibrations of nature. Therefore beautiful words create beautiful nature. Ugly words create ugly nature. This is the root of the Universe." Dr. Masaru Emoto
Water is the substance of life. Life cannot exist without water. 75% of our bodies are water and our brain is 85% water. We must be constantly adding fresh water to keep our body properly hydrated. Consistent failure to drink enough water can lead to Chronic Cellular Dehydration. This is the condition where the body's cells are not hydrated enough, leaving them in a weaken state, vulnerable to attack and disease. The body's overall immune system becomes weak and leads to chemical, nutritional and pH imbalances that can cause a host of diseases.