AlexXx profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

ReadY for anOTher ACtioN pACkeD year OF KrazYness, SPEED, and Fun. Got Rides In-da works as we SpeaK! YO this IS HOw I DO! ShITT!!ChecK THis---I hate MoTha-FuKErs THat Be acTiNg LikE Yo FrienD then TUrn BitCH behind Yo bacK. PiecEs OF SHIT, take That BAck To ya MommAs Nut SacK! faggEts!Now I'm An OPeN Minded Kinda persOn with Ideas and DreaMS. I don't discrimnate/hate/or judge a person because of their sexuality or color. Straight/bi/gay/lesbo/ dont matter. People are people(PERIOD). Ur either a FrieND or an FoE. So KNow Who You mEssINg WIt Cause either waY, I'll bring Tha FIre TO that ASS!!! No Mistakes... XxX

My Interests

Interested in so Much StuFf . ToO mUch SoMeTImeS. But never forget about My ShawTY! 3

I'd like to meet:

My peoples From AllSides everyside as long aS U TightZzz. Believe! And to my Brother in the sky (Justin Mendoza) Be easy and see you when I get there. Rest in peace--3/21/05--Much Love 3--------------------- I'd Like to MEet someONe I can Love for LIfe.(got my back!?!?)


::HighER PResSUre KreW:: EvEryDAy BuMpN musiQ I madE, CHECK IT OUT!! Please GivE Us soME FeeD bacK!!! Open To StyLEz if ya Got ThaT ;( :$ :o :p :) and Thanks to THa-ReaL. ';'


Got parTs in da Movies: Poo PirateS.1 and PoO PirAtes.2 in storEs.(skate videos) Check iT out if ya finDA copY in stores. DireCted A nIce litTle AdulT Film shiNdiggy tOo...


WacCK...perioD----------GEt a PET or SomethinN?@*! IF you Got The MOVIE ChanneLS theN, Can I comE oVer? HAaaha


/ mags:Hondatuning, Transworld, Thrasher, Daily Bread, Turbo, Import Tuner, Playboy, and most of all, The adventures of Rin Tin Tin and his sidekick doggy. J/P. WhaT EVeR InteresT me.


Jackie Chan Is A NInJA MuthAFuKer For SurE...I WanNa be One tooO....AlSo To The StruGGlin ArtisT oUt therE. KeEp At It Ya'LL. BE reAL!!!! OhhH Yea..I forGot To meNtion That duDe JESUS tOO! AlmOSt EverYboDy SeeN something like him or a PIcture Of THat Dude or Has stuff in Their HOuse that represents SomE part About him and his history/story. TalK abouT Famous!!! WhoA..and for alL those super famous people/heroeS on the list tonight, starting with Jesus, Gandhi, bill clinton, Busta rhymes, Buddha, Jackie Chan,cheEech anD ChonNG,and AlexXx...hahaha...wanT IN??? holLA!